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Film Trailer Analysis por Mind Map: Film Trailer Analysis

1. Camera Use

1.1. shots

1.2. angles

1.3. movement

2. Edit

2.1. type

2.2. effects

2.3. pace

3. Narrative

4. Lighting

5. Colour

6. Genre

6.1. Science Ficiton

6.2. Comedy

6.3. Romance

6.4. Romantic Comedy (Romcom)

6.5. Thriller

6.6. Action

6.7. Drama

6.8. Costume Drama

6.9. Crime

6.10. Horror

6.11. Animation

6.12. Fantasy

7. Type of trailer

7.1. Teaser

7.2. Main theatrical

7.3. Video/DVD release

8. USP

9. Sound

9.1. type of music

9.2. effect of music

9.3. type of voiceover

9.4. effect of voiceover