Ramayana-Jenna Bailey

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Ramayana-Jenna Bailey por Mind Map: Ramayana-Jenna Bailey

1. Story

1.1. Summary

1.1.1. adventures of Rama, banished from his country and wandering for long years in the wilderness of Southern India; saves his wife (with help from his half-brother) from Ravana

1.1.2. 1500 BC Bala Kanda, India

1.2. Chapters

1.2.1. Bala-kanda

1.2.2. Ayodhya-kanda

1.2.3. Aranya-kanda

1.2.4. Kishkindhya-kanda

1.2.5. Sundara-kanda

1.2.6. Yuddha-kanda

1.2.7. Uttara-kanda

1.3. Varying endings

2. Cultural Importance

2.1. Rama is a worshiped deity in Hinduism

2.2. Made into a TV show

2.3. Advertisements and pictures of characters seen throughout streets on India

3. Similar Stories

3.1. Greece

3.1.1. The Odyssey by Homer

3.2. India

3.2.1. Kamban Ramayana

3.2.2. Ramayana by Goswami Tulsidas

3.2.3. Ramacharita Manasa by Tulsi Das

3.3. Thiland

3.4. Indonesia

4. Background

4.1. written by Valmiki in 400 BCE

4.1.1. granted mara (evil) by a person he was trying to steal from

4.1.2. "mara" sounds like "rama"- lead to Ramayana

5. Characters

5.1. Main characters

5.1.1. Rama

5.1.2. Hanuman

5.1.3. Lakshman

5.1.4. Sita

5.1.5. Ravana

5.2. Minor Characters

5.2.1. Sugriva

5.2.2. Dasharatha

6. Compostition

6.1. 24, 000 verses

6.2. 7 books/chapters

7. Bibliography