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Yoga! by Mind Map: Yoga!

1. yoga and the pursuite of god

2. Famous Yogis

2.1. Shri Ramakrishna

2.2. Swami Vivekananda

2.2.1. introduced to west

2.3. Swami Rama Tirtha

2.4. Sri Tirumala Krishnamacharya

2.5. Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

2.6. Paramahansa Yogananda

2.7. Sri Aurobindo/ Aurobindo Ghosh

2.8. Swami Sivananda

2.9. Swami Rama Tirtha

2.9.1. Wrote over 300 books on spirituality and yoga

2.10. Swami Satyananda

2.11. Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

2.12. New node

2.13. New node

3. Intention of yoga

4. practice of yoga

4.1. physical not religious

5. Formes (physical vs. mental)

5.1. physical strength

5.2. flexability

5.3. Calming

6. Yoga Schools

6.1. Abhidyan yoga institute

6.2. Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai

6.3. Bihar School of Yoga and Bihar Yoga Bharati

7. The Three Gunas

7.1. Rajas

7.2. Tamas

7.3. Sattva

7.4. All beings

7.5. purpose

7.5.1. encourage

7.6. Yoga and Gunas

8. hatha Yoga

8.1. Yogi Swatmarama

8.2. physical purification

8.3. Ha Tha

8.3.1. Pairs of opposits 1st physical

8.4. Many bennifits

8.4.1. mental

8.4.2. physical

8.4.3. religious

8.5. Objective

8.6. Asanas

8.6.1. objective

8.7. Pranayama

9. Famous Books

9.1. Sutra

9.2. Savitri

9.3. The Bhagavad Gita

9.4. Hatha Yoga

10. Bhakti Yoga

10.1. devotion

10.2. 9 forms

10.2.1. 1

10.2.2. 2

10.2.3. 3

10.2.4. 4

10.2.5. 5

10.2.6. 6

10.2.7. 7

10.2.8. 8

10.2.9. 9

10.3. Teaching of love

11. Jnana Yoga

11.1. path to awareness

11.2. requirments

11.2.1. understanding of things coming to the end

11.2.2. Mastered Karma Yoga

11.2.3. Virtue

11.2.4. liberation

11.3. Three steps

11.3.1. Shravana

11.3.2. Manana

11.3.3. Nididhyasana

11.4. 4 sayings

11.4.1. Prajnanam Brahma

11.4.2. Aham Brahmasmi

11.4.3. Tat Tvam Asi

11.4.4. Ayam Atma Brahma

11.5. Reality

11.5.1. Inner Self

11.6. Levels

11.6.1. 1

11.6.2. 2

11.6.3. 3

12. relationship between yoga and religion

12.1. Large part of hinduism

12.2. Accelerates spiritual development

12.3. Good exercise, cure ills, good shape, good spiritual health

12.4. They must have eachother to be compleate

13. karma yoga

13.1. selfless action and service

13.2. Bhagvad Gita

13.3. Darma

13.3.1. not joyed by reward

13.3.2. benefit of the world

13.4. Beginers

13.4.1. burdened

13.4.2. week practicers

13.4.3. strengthining mind

13.5. Karma= "to do"

13.5.1. impacts every day life

13.5.2. do things in a selfless manner

14. Raja Yoga

14.1. royalty

14.2. states of mind

14.2.1. control

14.2.2. There are five states of the mind Kshipta Mudha Vikshipta Ekagra Niruddha

14.3. To have peace of mind, you will have to cultivate the four great virtues

14.3.1. Maitri

14.3.2. Karuna

14.3.3. Mudita

14.3.4. Upeksh

14.4. 8 limbed

14.4.1. Yama

14.4.2. Niyama

14.4.3. Āsana

14.4.4. Pranayama

14.4.5. Pratyahara

14.4.6. Dharana

14.4.7. Dhyana

14.4.8. Samādhi

15. Yoga philosophy

15.1. yogic mind.

15.1.1. buddhi

15.2. Feeling

15.3. "the Cosmic Being."

15.4. Object of Yoga

15.4.1. universe

15.4.2. nature

16. Bibliography