1. Why the subject
1.1. GOAL 1 :No poverty
1.1.1. fact source: UN news poverty has increased globally Southern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are expected to see the largest increases poverty and deprivation of children can last for lifetime.
1.2. source: the link of bright space: Sustainable Development Goals.Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals
1.3. By 2030, UN member countries have committed to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger for people everywhere.
2. the website of FAO
2.1. source for FAO:Reduce Rural Poverty | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
2.1.1. Diversification and decent rural employment to adapt to climate change
2.1.2. Risk-informed and shock responsive social protection to cope with climate change
2.1.3. Multi-sectoral, pro-poor and climate-informed rural development policies
2.1.4. Inclusive sustainable production to mitigate climate change Farm incomes would increase by 30% if farmers could effectively mitigate risks linked to climate change Food production needs to increase by 60% by 2050 to feed an additional 2 billion people Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forestry and fisheries have 2 nearly doubled over the past fifty years and could increase an additional 30 percent by 2050, if we do not ramp up efforts to reduce them
2.2. http://www.fao.org/3/i6371en/I6371EN.pdf
2.2.1. Poor people are more vulnerable to climate change why 75%of the extreme poor reside in rural areas and depend on climate-sensitive activities such as agriculture, and rural livelihoods The poor have fewer resources for protecting themselves against climatic hazards. In periods of stress, they may be forced to sell off their productive assets or migrate
2.3. Nepal: Coping with Climate Change, Addressing Migration
2.4. http://www.fao.org/3/i7556zh/I7556ZH.pdf
2.4.1. 在农业领域进行投资对消 除贫困、饥饿和营养不良十分重 要,尤其是在世界大多数贫困人 口居住的农业地区。(translation: Investment in the agricultural sector is very important for eliminating poverty, poverty and malnutrition, especially in the agricultural areas where most of the world’s poor people live.)
2.4.2. 一种途径是帮助农村家庭 开展农业专业化,提高他们的生 产力和参与市场的能力。另一种 途径是在农场外和非农领域创 造更多更好的就业机会,增加收 (Christiansen,2017)。 入多元化。(translation: One way is to help rural families develop agricultural specialization and improve their productivity and ability to participate in the market. Another way is to create more and better employment opportunities outside the farm and non-agricultural sectors, and increase income (Christiansen, 2017). Into diversification.) policy for government knowlege investment of government and private section
2.4.3. 一种途径是帮助农村家庭 开展农业专业化,提高他们的生 产力和参与市场的能力。另一种 途径是在农场外和非农领域创 造更多更好的就业机会,增加收 (Christiansen,2017)。 入多元化。
2.5. Climate Action’s digital and live platforms(find the key word in the website of FAO)
3. climate change and inequality of gender
3.1. source:
3.2. Among the poor, women account for as high as 70%, making them the most vulnerable group affected by climate change
3.2.1. We need to actively explore how to strengthen women’s status in climate change, for example, by giving them more decision-making powers on disaster prevention, project preparation, and disaster recovery, enhancing women’s right to speak on climate change, and ensuring women’s rights to climate change. Right to participate in policies, measures and actions. In addition, we also need to focus more on women as the center to study climate change issues and propose coping strategies. Prevent the serious consequences of climate change, adapt to the impact of climate change on us, and promote social equality and healthy development.
3.3. why
3.3.1. The left-behind women have to undertake more arduous housework, take care of their families, and raise livestock at home. In addition, during the migration, this may lead to some hidden dangers of insecurity.
3.3.2. Women suffer far more from the disaster than men.
3.3.3. Due to the traditional status of women in the family and career, women may have to take on more family affairs including caring for children after the disaster.
3.3.4. Migration caused by climate change will have a greater impact on women.
3.4. source:论气候变化对妇女的影响及应对 - 百度学术
4. Climate Poverty in china
4.1. Poverty caused by the impact of global climate change and the resulting disasters may increase poverty. The relationship between climate change and poverty is reflected in the fact that it will directly or indirectly exacerbate poverty.
4.2. Currently, poor areas are mainly highly sensitive to climate change Intensified drought caused by climate change, forest degradation and shrinking, soil and water flow Disasters such as increasing disappearances and frequent extreme weather events, so the environment in these areas Further deteriorated,
4.3. poor areas are highly correlated with ecologically and environmentally fragile areas, and they have a high degree of geographic coupling with consistent geographic spatial distribution.
4.4. From 1980 to 2012, there were 6,500 climate-related disasters. In the past 30 years, the population below the food and clothing line in China has decreased from 250 million to less than 18 million, but this last 18 million is also the most difficult part to solve. Scholars call it the “climate poor”. It is estimated that by 2015, the number of people affected by the global climate crisis will increase by 54%, reaching 375 million.
5. YouTube: climate change and poverty
5.1. The link between climate change, health and poverty
5.2. Carbon Emissions: Get Inspired to Act!
5.3. Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty
5.4. How does climate change hit poor countries?
6. Dose the poor can really accept the new technology or method?
7. I search on the google: key word: climate change/ proverty
7.1. source:Homepage | Mercy Corps
7.2. how climate change affects the proverty
7.2.1. extreme weather event impact for food supply food proverty and climat
7.2.2. increase the risk of conflict conflict and climate
7.2.3. drive people leave their homes
7.2.4. lack of access to energy and ressources
7.2.5. separate families and jeopardize livelihoods
8. key word: poverty;undernutrition; climate change
8.1. AR5 in PICC
8.1.1. influence direct: Exposure effects due to changes in temperature and precipitation indirect: Infectious diseases spread through natural systems such as air pollution indirect influence by internal body system Occupation, malnutrition, psychological stress
8.1.2. AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014 — IPCC
8.1.3. solotion: Reduce climate-related pollutants, Improve energy efficiency, provide reproductive health services, reduce meat consumption, improve transportation capacity, and improve air quality
8.1.4. climate:Risk amplifier
8.1.5. concept relation poverty chronic poverty transient poverty
9. conflict and climate
9.1. climate change exacerbated conflict caused by poverty
9.2. climate change increases the likelihood of competition and conflict over resources.
9.3. how to solve
9.3.1. provide the tools for people to overcome their differences and collectively manage resources — like training community leaders to build conflict management skills.
9.3.2. facilitating resource-sharing agreements and promoting cooperation between communities to reduce conflict
9.4. competition results in violence, such as cattle raiding.
10. climate refugees
10.1. climate refugees
10.1.1. why disastor rising seas loss of livelihoods
10.2. living envorinment and climate change
10.2.1. Research suggests the planet has lost around one-third of its arable land over the past 40 years, in large part due to climate disasters and poor conservation, and every year more trees and soil are lost. More than 1.3 billion people live on deteriorating agricultural land, putting them at risk of depleted harvests that can lead to worsening hunger, poverty and displacement. Soil is being lost between 10 and 100 times faster than it is forming.