Vishnu: Preserver of Earth

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Vishnu: Preserver of Earth por Mind Map: Vishnu: Preserver of Earth

1. Incarnations

1.1. The fish, similar to Noah

1.2. Kurma, turtle

1.3. Varaha, pig or boar

1.4. Narasimha, half lion half man

1.5. Vamana, ability to grow

1.6. Parasurama, very fierce hunter

1.7. Rama, great warrior

1.8. Krishna, very smart man

1.9. Buddha, the all knowing one

1.10. Kalki, person of earth

2. Aims of life

2.1. Duty and Virtue

2.2. Material good, wealth

2.3. Pleasure, sexuality, and enjoyment

2.4. Liberation

3. Rituals

3.1. Anything with beautiful music

3.2. Social dancing events

3.3. Very sweet food

3.4. Praising cows and teaching vegetarianism

4. Bibliography

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5. Worshipers

5.1. Aryan conquerors of India

5.2. Major Vedic god Indra who in the epics and Puranas

6. Apperance

6.1. Human body with blue hands

6.2. Always carries four objects with him

6.2.1. The Conch The breath of vishnu

6.2.2. The chakra, or discus Weapon boomerang

6.2.3. The lotus flower Lights up the sky and illuminates darkness

6.2.4. The mace The power of time

6.3. Rides the king of birds, the Eagle

6.4. Sat upon a giant serpent

7. Qualities of Vishnu

7.1. Discipline

7.2. Obeaeance

7.3. Fairness

7.4. Dignaty