Improve municipal waste management through citizen action.

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Improve municipal waste management through citizen action. por Mind Map: Improve municipal waste management through citizen action.

1. Topic 7: Consumer associations

1.1. Keywords: selective collection, information policy, Consultative Commission of Local Public Services.

1.1.1. research made on: google

1.2. Source: What role can consumer and environmental protection associations play in the selective collection programme of local authorities? - Eco-emballages

1.2.1. Results: -The success of selective collection depends on the general support of the population for the sorting gesture. The efforts of all the stakeholders is necessary to achieve this objective. - This citizen support will only be obtained if the community develops a comprehensive information policy on the subject. - The community needs intermediaries to implement this information policy aimed at involving as many citizens as possible. Institut national de la consommation — Wikipédia Search for a definition of consumer associations. Institut National de la Consommation - What is an approved consumer association? An approved consumer association is an association officially recognised by the public authorities as representing the interests of consumers.

2. Topic 10: Commitment and duty of the citizen

2.1. Key words: waste management, duty of citizens, commitment of citizens, honesty

2.1.1. research made on: Google Scolar

2.2. Source: Waste Management as Commitment and Duty of Citizens.(2015). Budică I., Busu O.V., Dumitru A., Purcaru M.-L.

2.2.1. Results: Citizen involvement has two aspects: the common sense and the obligations arising from the law; thus, the citizen sees waste management as a civic commitment and duty. Moreover, new generations feel waste management as a civic commitment and duty more than previous generations. It can therefore be said that waste management is a function of generation.

3. Topic 9: Analytical Approach Focused on Social Movements

3.1. Mots clés: théorie scientifique, mouvements sociaux, coordination, gestion des déchets.

3.1.1. research made on: learning hub

3.2. Source: Ecological waste management. (2000). V.Jean-Guy. Published by Presses de l'Université de Montréal

3.2.1. Results: Bringing scientific theory to bear on social movements would allow for better waste management and better coordination between communities and citizens.


4. Problematic: how is it possible to build a social relay between citizens and communities in order to act more effectively on waste management?

5. Explanation of the thesis: in order to improve waste management by local authorities, citizen actions are essential. However, effective communication between citizens and local authorities is not easy to achieve, and it is necessary to activate several levers in order to achieve a sustainable effect. For this, it is necessary to create a link between communities and citizens, and this requires the contribution of all the stakeholders in our society. The first possible action is at the neighbourhood level, for example, state-subsidised compost bins. The second field of action is at the level of the municipality, with, for example, the implementation of a rewards system for better waste management. The third field of action is national, with consumer associations and theoretical works based on the country's social movements. Lastly, efforts are also international, as collaborative measures or legislation can be taken between countries.

6. Topic 8: Acting at the international level

6.1. Key words: citizens' initiative, legislative proposal, European Commission.

6.1.1. research made on: european commission / youtube

6.2. Source: European Parlement - Citizen's initiative : Signature by Jerzy BUZEK, EP President.

6.2.1. This law allows European citizens to make a legislative proposal to the European Commission if certain pre-requisites are met. The citizens' fight for better waste management is also international, in particular by signing collaboration agreements for international waste management.

7. Topic 6: Involvement of citizens in decision making

7.1. Key words: transparency, responsible behaviour, social demand, Aarhus Convention.

7.1.1. research made on: learning hub

7.2. Source: What to do with household waste? (2012). A. Le Bozec, S. Barles, N. Buclet, G. Keck. Editions Quae

7.2.1. The population's focus on the issue of waste goes hand in hand with the increasing involvement requested from citizens, who are asked to sort their waste, compost it, prevent its production and adopt more responsible behaviour. This development is also reflected in the emergence of a social demand for greater transparency and public involvement in decision-making, a demand which was translated (30 October 2001) with the Aarhus Convention, dedicated to access to information, public participation and access to justice. Discovery of new publications in the same collection: Gestion des risques naturels (2012). V.Przyluski, S.Hallegatte. The protection of geographical indications (2012). D.Marie-Vivien. Food behaviour, consumer choice and nutrition policies. Collective work. 2012.

8. Topic 2: encouraging sorting out

8.1. Key words: eco-design, citizen behaviour, sorting attractiveness, colour code.

8.1.1. research made on: google

8.2. Source: Usbek & Rica - how to promote waste sorting among citizens?

8.2.1. Results: collective intelligence is a key to advance the circular economy. Workshops allow citizens to propose ideas to make sorting more attractive to the inhabitants. Source: Usbek & Rica - 5 innovations to put an end to waste. Results: idea n°5 presents a "bio-ring" which allows sorting domestic waste in a single gesture. Moreover, the design is interesting.

9. Topic 1: collective composting

9.1. Key words: compost, circular path, municipal subvention, commitment.

9.1.1. research made on: google

9.2. Source: Youtube - Ademe : Waste Management

9.2.1. Results: Jean Jacques launched a project, setting up a collective compost with the help of public subsidies. This is a simple action that allows organic waste to be sorted correctly. Together with his neighborhood, they transform the equivalent of 7 tons of waste every year.

10. Topic 3: Sorting at source

10.1. Key words: incentive pricing, collection solution, optical sorting.

10.1.1. research made on: google

10.2. Source: Suez France - Involving citizens to encourage sorting at source.

10.2.1. Result: Suez's commercial solution for local authorities to design and manage a pricing scheme to encourage sorting, which rewards the act of sorting through vouchers and better waste management at source.

11. Topic 5: Sociology of citizen environmental practices

11.1. Key words: sense of belonging, environmental networks, simple ecological solutions, pedagogy of citizen recycling.

11.2. Source: Demain la Ville - Aux Bennes Citoyens !

11.2.1. Result: The social dimension would significantly affect waste sorting and recycling behaviour. Thus, the feeling of belonging to a community in which an individual finds coherence with his or her personal values makes it possible to stabilise pro-environmental behaviour in the long term. Networks such as "Zero eco-impact" or "Recyclope" - focused on the creation of communities through participatory events for the collective collection of cigarette butts, for example - aim, among other things, to make simple ecological solutions known to interested people.

12. Topic 4: Bio-plastics

12.1. Key words: end waste, processing centre, bio-plastic

12.1.1. research made on: youtube

12.2. Source: Why don't we stop throwing everything away? - Tout compte fait.

12.2.1. Results: Many algae can be used to create oil-free plastic. This can be directly reflected on the citizen with, for example, biodegradable shopping bags. But it can also be indirectly, e.g. in the packaging of products in supermarkets. What's next? How can we make this industrial practice more present in the lives of citizens?