Noah Trevino's Freshman Portfolio

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Noah Trevino's Freshman Portfolio by Mind Map: Noah Trevino's Freshman Portfolio

1. Math Vocabulary Resource

1.1. Project Reflection

1.2. Project

2. Teen Sports Article

2.1. Project Reflection

2.2. Project

3. Magic Carpet Ride Blog

3.1. Project Reflection

3.2. Project

3.3. Slideshow of Pictures

4. Population Change

4.1. Project Reflection

4.2. Project

5. Introduction Letter (Start Here)

6. About Me

7. Reading

7.1. Project Reflection

7.2. Data

8. The Land of the Free?

8.1. Project Reflection

8.2. Project

9. Writing Improvement

9.1. Beginning of the Year

9.2. End of the Year

9.3. Project Reflection

10. SWLO's

10.1. Reflection

10.2. First Project

10.3. Midyear

10.4. End of the Year

11. Closing Statement (End Here)

12. Assessment Data Analysis

12.1. Data Reflection