How I Have Grown

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How I Have Grown by Mind Map: How I Have Grown

1. ELA Core Standard 4

1.1. Investigating the history of slavery

1.2. English

1.3. Reflection

2. ELA Core Standard 6

2.1. Views of the treatment of Indians

2.2. WH

2.3. Reflection

3. ELA Core Standard 5

3.1. Jayce's Adventure Story

3.2. English

3.3. Reflection

4. ELA Core Standard 7

4.1. Oppression presentation Scoring rubric

4.2. WH/English Language

4.3. Reflection

5. ELA Core Standard 8

5.1. Gym Test

5.2. Gym

5.3. Reflection

6. ELA Standard 2

6.1. Black Holes Journal

6.2. Freshman Scienece

6.3. Reflection

7. ELA Core Standard 3

7.1. Super Moon Journal

7.2. Freshman Science

7.3. Reflection

8. ELA Standard 1

8.1. Chapter 19 Section 1

8.2. WH -

8.3. Reflection

9. NWEA data Analysis

9.1. How I Read

10. Introductory Letter

11. Personal Page

12. New node