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Chromatography por Mind Map: Chromatography

1. Gas Chromatography

1.1. Gas-liquid

1.1.1. Principles of GLC

1.1.2. Instruments

1.1.3. Columns and Stationary Phases

1.2. Gas-solid

1.3. Applications

2. High performance Liquid Chromatography

2.1. Liquid-liquid (partition)

2.2. Liquid-solid or adsorption

2.3. Ion exchange

2.4. Size exclusion

2.5. Affinity

2.6. Scope of HPLC

2.7. Instrumentation

2.8. Column efficiency

3. Supercritical fluid chromatography

4. Chromatography Theory

4.1. Plate Theory

4.2. Rate Theory