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Olilawford.blogspot.com by Mind Map: Olilawford.blogspot.com

1. Improvements

1.1. Increase feedback and comments...

1.2. Complete Tag Process

1.2.1. Redefine tags

1.2.2. Keep tags clear and accurate

1.3. Regular post frequency

1.3.1. How frequently can I realistically post?

1.4. Link to other sites more frequently

1.5. Use headings to break up text

1.6. Put the main point of the post in the first paragraph

1.7. More pictures

1.7.1. Begin to catalogue pictures in advance for this

1.8. Feature my best post somewhere accessible

1.8.1. Do I need to find a gadget to do this?

1.8.2. What are my best posts?

1.8.3. Which posts do people enjoy reading most?

1.9. Write more list posts

1.9.1. Book Lists?

1.9.2. University Guides?

1.9.3. Frequent question lists?

1.9.4. Self Analysis?

1.9.5. Accountability questions?

1.10. Comment on other people blogs

1.10.1. What blogs should I comment on?

2. Devotional Ideas

2.1. Expositional Devotions...

2.1.1. Increased usage of expositional style

2.1.2. Plan in advance passages of interest to study...Romans 7?

2.1.3. Tie it in to my own reading pattern?

2.1.4. Aim for one clear point in these posts.

2.1.5. Shorter content Longer series

2.2. Theme related

2.2.1. Longer content. Shorter series

2.2.2. Can I establish a pattern with these posts?

2.3. Based on wider reading

2.4. Quote based study

3. Beauty and Design

3.1. Innovative Ideas

3.2. Art and Photography

3.3. Fashion?

3.4. Book Design

3.5. Improvements

3.5.1. Find more blogs, websites etc

3.5.2. Store material for future posting

3.5.3. Make more insightful comments

3.5.4. Can I read more into this area?

4. Music and Virtuosity

4.1. Find music people dont usually listen to...

4.2. Balance to beautiful and the technical

4.3. Deepen an appreciation of musical gifting

4.4. Comment usefully

4.5. Improvements

4.5.1. Can I post more content in this area?

4.5.2. Should I include my own music?

4.5.3. Aim for different genres/increased variety

5. General Life

5.1. Church Life

5.2. Social Life

5.3. Frontier Project

5.4. Home Life