1. Empowerment
1.1. Endorse the Women's Empowerment Principles | UN Global Compact
1.1.1. Establish high-level corporate leadership for gender equality
1.1.2. Treat all women and men fairly at work – respect and support human rights and nondiscrimination
1.1.3. Ensure the health, safety and well-being of all women and men workers
1.1.4. Promote education, training and professional development for women
1.1.5. Implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women
1.1.6. Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy
1.1.7. Measure and publicly report on progress to achieve gender equality
2. Organization
2.1. Structure
2.1.1. Is It Time to Retire the Org Chart? The organisational structure of an organisation (association, company, institution, etc.) is the set of rules governing the distribution of authority, tasks, control and coordination. It is with the existence of a purpose and individuals, one of the three characteristics common to all organisations.
2.2. Culture
2.2.1. Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Human nature Effectiveness Emotions Organization relationship
3. Sucess Indicator
3.1. How to monitor?
3.1.1. Number of women in a board
3.1.2. Number of decision adopt from women
3.1.3. Time talking
4. What's effectiveness?
4.1. Managing for Business Effectiveness
4.1.1. Productive business managers are those who obtain optimum economic results from the prevailing resources. A series of primary steps, which have proven to be highly effective for managers in actual business situations, include: 1) analyzing the facts in terms of opportunities and costs of products, as well as the contributions of staff, and the "cost streams"; 2) allocating resources, according to projected results, by analyzing present and future resource allocations; and 3) prioritizing decisions with respect to area of greatest potential for opportunity and results. Role of a manager
4.2. What Makes an Effective Executive
5. Decision making
5.1. Process
5.1.1. 7 step https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Step-for-decision-making-process_fig2_327221271 Step 1 Step 2 step 3 Step 4 step 5 step 6 step 7
5.2. Level of
5.2.1. What are the different level of decision? The four categories of decision making 1. Making routine choices and judgments. 2. Influencing outcomes. 3. Placing competitive bets. 4. Making strategic decisions.
5.3. History
5.3.1. A Brief History of Decision Making
6. Leadership
6.1. What's leadership?
6.1.1. Understanding Leadership Leadership is the accomplishment of a goal through the direction of human assistants—a human and social achievement that stems from the leader's understanding of his or her fellow workers and the relationship of their individual goals to the group's aim. Power
6.2. How it works?
6.3. What type of leadership exist?
6.3.1. Authoritarian Leadership.
6.3.2. Participative Leadership.
6.3.3. Delegative Leadership.
6.3.4. Transactional Leadership
6.3.5. Transformational Leadership
6.3.6. The 5 Leadership Styles you can use & How to implement each
7. What is the place of Women in Today's Society?
7.1. Nytimes
7.1.1. Women, Leadership and the Post-Pandemic World Gender inequalities Problems are exacerbated by the unprecedented crisis the world is facing
7.2. Book 02
7.2.1. Women and the new business leadership / Peninah Thomson, with Tom Lloyd Learning Hub emlyon business school - Recherche Women and the New Business Leadership | P. Thomson | Palgrave Macmillan Male dominance of boardrooms creates two distinct problems The problem of Think Male Mindset
7.3. American Progress
7.3.1. The Women’s Leadership Gap - Center for American Progress 2018 elections brought a surge of new women to local and statewide offices Notable gains for young women and veterans
7.3.2. Women, Leadership, Politics
8. How to Ensure Gender Equality for the next generation ?
8.1.1. Gender equality Ensure equality for education Nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor in education or training Working with the education sector to ensure girls and boys thrive in their learning Invests in skills building to further their economic empowerment in the field of entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders Builds partnerships to accelerate gender equality Partnering with national health sectors to expand quality maternal care Support the professionalization of the female health workforce Keeping girls safe from all forms of violence, in and out of school Prevent and respond to gender-based violence
8.1.2. Gender Equality Google
8.2. UN
8.2.1. Gender Equality, Goal n°5 Google
8.2.2. Gender equality and women's empowerment Job Market for Women stagnate at less than 50% in the past 25 Years The pandemic has also led to a steep increase in violence against women and girls. With lockdown measures in place, many women are trapped at home with their abusers, struggling to access services that are suffering from cuts and restrictions. Goal 5 targets End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the PAICP Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels
8.3. London Business School
8.3.1. Women in Leadership | London Business School Work with organisations to accelerate the evolution of employment. Modular learning journey for managers Access the world’s leading thinkers whose cutting-edge research in global business is grounded in real-world practicality. Women in Leadership Scholarship The School offer one fully funded scholarship for a unique opportunity to take place in London Business School’s Women in Leadership Programme. The scholarships are awarded to women by London Business School to support diversity and female participation in the Executive Education Programmes. The scholarship covers full participation in lectures, group work, executive coaching and experiential activities.
8.3.2. Women, Education
9. How to empower Women In Leadership ?
9.1. Book 01
9.1.1. Women entrepreneurs : Developing leadership for success Women Entrepreneurs The 90s was the beginning of the women entrepreneurs segment in American business
9.1.2. Learning Hub emlyon business school - Recherche
9.1.3. Learning Hub
9.2. Forbes
9.2.1. Council Post: Women In Leadership: How To Move The Needle American women fall substantially behind men in terms of their representation in leadership positions. Although they hold almost 52% of all management and professional-level jobs Executive-team gender diversity were 21% “more likely to experience above-average profitability than companies in the fourth quartile.” Create a pipeline Leaders should pay close attention to how many women are in leadership positions and focus on how those women are being developed for future roles. Celebrate successes Generally speaking, women tend to be less comfortable with self-promotion. With that in mind, there’s an opportunity for co-workers, both men and women, to help make the environment more welcoming by calling out the good work done by the women around them. Pull women into more projects One way to celebrate women’s successes (and, in fact, give them an opportunity to accomplish more) is to have more of them on larger projects.
9.2.2. Women, Leadership, Success Google
9.3. TEDx Talks
9.3.1. Youtube Women in Leadership: Lessons in Working Smarter, Not Harder | Anila Khalique | TEDxDeMontfortUWomen How can women work smarter rather than harder to get to the top of the leadership ladder ? Fight against gender prejudice The Science of Women’s Leadership | Alexis Kanda-Olmstead | TEDxCSU Alexis Kanda-Olmstead work to help students, faculty, and staff Actualize women potential as leaders through self-knowledge, personal empowerment, and service.
9.3.2. TEDx, Women, Leadership
9.4. Emlyon Collective Intelligence
9.4.1. Hajar Chokairi, Author at Bluenove Helping companies to mobilize the key players and sponsors within the organisation Collective Intelligence Brightspace
10. Resource
10.1. role model
10.1.1. google
10.2. https://leblog.mazars.fr/mixite-capitaliser-sur-les-roles-modeles/
10.2.1. les hommes occupent toujours les deux-tiers des postes de management et on dénombre moins de 5% de femmes présidentes.
10.2.2. la mise en lumière des parcours de femmes inspirantes permet de démontrer qu’une ascension professionnelle est possible jusqu’au plus haut niveau. D’ailleurs, chaque femme peut agir à son échelle (leadership, mentoring…) en stimulant les aspirations et influençant positivement à son tour.
10.3. Role Models féminins : un levier efficace pour inciter les filles à poursuivre des études scientifiques ? | Institut des Politiques Publiques – IPP
10.3.1. Le programme n’affecte pas significativement les choix d’orientation des élèves de seconde mais fait passer de 11 à 14,5 % la part des filles de terminale S qui s’orientent vers une classe préparatoire scientifique.
10.3.2. L’intervention de femmes scientifiques dans les classes des lycées réduit significativement la prévalence des stéréotypes associés aux métiers scientifiques et à la place des femmes en sciences, tant chez les filles que chez les garçons. gestion covid, médecin interrogés-> que des hommes
11. Resource
11.1. Women in business
11.1.1. TED talk
11.2. Sheryl Sandberg, Why we have too few women leaders
11.2.1. Around 15% executives/topC/board members are women, numbers are not moving since 2002.
11.2.2. Women underestimate their ability while man overestimate it, people who believe they are competent will have the job more easily
11.2.3. Women have a second day of work at home, even a third when their is kids, they will not look for more work and will miss some oportunities
12. Resource
12.1. women in tech/"men" sector
12.1.1. Spotify Podcast : les couilles sur la table
12.2. Des ordis, des souris et des hommes
12.2.1. tech was usually a women job, they invented the first tools of the internet as we know it today
12.2.2. biases that happen if no women/minorities ex: voice recongnition that didn't work with women voices
12.2.3. Solution pour demasculiniser le secteur de l'info role model : to show it is doable and ok for them to do it min32.15' : carnegie melon uni: goes from 12 to 30 to 50% women in IT schools, change their recruiting process, explaining young girls they can go in those sectors 40.53' Quotas : girls have better marks at the bac, so if quotas, it levels up the entry condition. Women are not less competent thant men it is the system that do not encourage them in this field. There is 40/50% of man that are here because they are favored, not because of their competences quotas do not take away opportunity for men, they allow women to enter tech because the system do not favor them and they are not less competent and it is important regarding biases femme dans les écoles de code/ingé qui doivent etre encouragé et prennent pas la place de mec, juste les mec y avait pas leur place, c'est juste que le systeme les a encouragé
12.2.4. women will have to fight more in such a sector while it would be easier in others, does it worth it? or they could go in a sector where their skills will be more easily recognize
13. Resource
13.1. woman leadership
13.1.1. Google
13.2. How to Develop More Female Leaders
13.2.1. 5 barriers to female leadership No confidence to speak up Being underpaid "imposter syndrome" (toxic self-talk that mekes them doubt if they belong in positions of leadership) being paralyzed by the need to be perfect unequal treatment
13.2.2. tips to develop female leaders promote a gender-inclusive culture by offering everyone the change to be promoted to any position they are qualified for. give positive feadback develop a mentoring program coaching to empower womens encourage women in leadership position to speak up
13.3. http://jump.eu.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/JUMP_LRH_WomenBarriere_JL_def.pdf
13.3.1. few numbers 58% women believe they are not paid the same as their male peers for similar performance in the same role 46% women in entry level position 18% women in C-Suite position 45% believe they need to have more education and technical qualifications than their male peers to be considered for promotions
13.3.2. what organisations can do Minimise the risk of gender bias in recruitment procedures Actively mentor and sponsor female talent Create an environment where women are empowered to speak up and voice their opinion Review pay structures to ensure there is no unconscious gender bias, and communicate efforts and findings
14. Access to important roles for women
14.1. Training industry
14.1.1. Barriers women face in professional careers.
14.1.2. Different barriers to access jobs or higher positions between genders
14.2. Femmes d'élections
14.2.1. Genèses 2007/2 (n° 67) on Cairn.info
14.2.2. Study of the issues and the different paths of access to important roles for women through the scope of politics.
14.3. How the feminization of certain jobs can limitate the access to every jobs for women?
14.4. Women tend to struggle more than men to access important roles in society. Indeed, they face more barriers that are raised because of traditional social convention or simply discrimination.
14.4.1. What are these barriers?
14.4.2. Who are the people who decide of the restrictions to be put in place
14.4.3. Are there specific tendencies in particular industries?
15. Women leadership
15.1. Dig Your Heels In : Navigate Corporate BS and Build the Company You Deserve Ed. 1
15.1.1. emlyon learning hub
15.1.2. Research keywords: women leadership in workplace, empowerment
15.1.3. This book treats of the career path issues women can face in different working environments. It brings a new point of vue on women's careers and the difference with men's through several powerful examples.
15.2. What are the issues wome could face when under male leadership?
15.3. How do women access to leadership position in professional environnments?
15.4. TED x Talk :
15.4.1. Keywords: Differentiation, Leadership, point of vue
15.5. Many different points have to be taken into account when thinking about women Leadership. Women can make a difference in an organization by differentiating their management & leadership style from men's .
15.6. Factors influencing attainment of CEO position for women
15.6.1. Hurley, D. and Choudhary, A. (2016), "Factors influencing attainment of CEO position for women", Gender in Management, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 250-265.
15.6.2. Keywords: Women leadership, power, direction
16. Discrimination in workplace
16.1. Positive discrimination
16.1.1. Positive discrimination means making sure that people such as women, members of smaller racial groups, and people with disabilities get a fair share of the opportunities available.
16.1.2. Essays on Executive Remuneration Contracting:Managerial Power, Corporate Payout, and Gender DiscriminationTilburg University emlyon learning hub
16.1.3. What are the limitations of the use of positive discrimination to empower women?
16.1.4. What are the possible applications of positive discriminations to empower women?
16.2. Negative discrimination
16.2.1. Sexism: Sexism is the belief that the members of one sex, usually women, are less intelligent or less capable than those of the other sex and need not be treated equally. It is also the behaviour which is the result of this belief.
16.2.2. Negative gender discrimination is most often linked with Sexism
16.2.3. Women and Men in Political and Business Elites : A Comparative Study in the Industrialized World
16.2.4. How much negative discrimination happens in worplaces nowadays?
16.2.5. Where does the negative discrimination happens most?
17. Position of women in the workspace
17.1. History of Women in the Workplace
17.1.1. Video by Behind the news (ABS Australia).
17.2. Forbes: Women In The Workplace And The Determination To Succeed
17.2.1. Article by Tracy Avin about the difference between men and women in the workplace. The author also presents "good practices" for women who want to succeed
17.3. Which criterias differentiate men from women in the workplace?
17.3.1. Physical criterias ?
17.3.2. Educational criterias ?
17.3.3. Mental criterias ?
17.4. Why do women struggle moe than men to access good position in terms of employement and quality of treatement?
17.5. Different working & office conditions for Men & Women
17.5.1. Article highlighting one specific need in the working environment that differentiates men from Women
17.6. Mc Kinsey & Company: Women in the workplace 2020
17.6.1. Article about the position and reponsabilities of Women in the Workplace in 2020. This year reveals parlicularly well inequalities and diffreences between workers.
17.6.2. Dual role of mother and worker