Eportfolio conference 2011 day 2

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Eportfolio conference 2011 day 2 by Mind Map: Eportfolio conference 2011 day 2

1. Terrel L Rhodes

1.1. Talk title: The proof is in the portfolio - an architecture of the hood the bad and the ugly

1.2. Teachers can no longer teach all knowledge, its doubling every two years

1.2.1. Hence life long learning - teachers must develop students skill in LLL - set the stage for LLL in the student

1.3. What employers look for in graduates

1.3.1. Inductive/deductive reasoning

1.3.2. Social skills

1.3.3. Originality

1.3.4. Writing

1.3.5. Math

1.3.6. Problem solving

1.3.7. Judgement and decision making

1.4. Eportfolios are a perfect medium for capturing evidence of these skills in the 21st century

1.4.1. Use should grow out of assessment and what they do in their social world.

1.5. Courses on topics loosing effectiveness e.g. course on writing, ethics etc - make it real and repeat it. Engage with topic in real unscripted world.

1.5.1. Real world is unscripted - therefore learning and assessment needs to be authentic - complex' unscripted, where we dont know what the future is but students have the skills to adapt Employers want students to have solved a real world problem, researched a problem, completed a significant project, shown evidence of ethical behaviour

1.6. What helps deepen knowledge? Listening, writing, Revisiting, relaying, teaching in that order

1.6.1. High impact practices include placements/internship (etc. refer to slides) Educationally purposeful activities Less prepared students who engage in high impact practices tend to do better than students who come prepared academically with high test scores. Graduation rates as well improve OVER academically prepared students Challenge: how do we makr the high impact practices core and criticial and not optional.

1.7. Value rubrics

1.7.1. Not about this is ok that is not

1.7.2. Something else to look at - faculty do know what quality education is, eg looked st rubrics on writing . What appeared most frequently - a lot of shared concept was found - this makes up the value rubrics. Formed a definition of what academics meant by the outcomes and jargon terms.

1.7.3. Search for "value" on association of american colleges and universities

1.8. What should students be able to do as graduates of our schools and colleges? These are the capstone capabilities, then work back to where students are when they come in and then work out how to get there.

1.9. Employer versus faculty: Faculty and student evaluations of portfolios demonstrating critical thinking skills were shown to be similar 4 on 0-6 scale, but employers looked at same portfolos and scored around 2 for various skills in critical thinking

1.9.1. Critical thinking has dimensions - which are stong or weak in your students?

1.10. Aacu has developed rubrics around portfolio use

1.10.1. After callibration of rubric to reach shared understanding among students and staff effectiveness of portfolio use (rubric sets expectation) was very high.

1.11. Students need to know what we expect when we hand assessment items to them, and give them the skills to complete it.

1.11.1. Give descriptive feedbsck and help students learn how to evaluate their own work.

1.12. Eportfolios help students new to an insitution represent themselves.

1.13. Implementing a portfolio system: Start with where your students are, where they need to be, and then use your portfolio strategically - starting campus wide is not the right thing to do - start with where there is a logical and natural fit.

1.14. Focus on why and what should be learned, help them with the how.

2. Ruth Wallace - CDU

2.1. Assessment tasks ask students to do make/apply learning in the real world, multiple audiences, academic get to see it too model. This has a positive impact on learning and quality of assessment items.

3. Carole McCulloch

3.1. Google Mightybell

3.2. Mooc . Massive open online conference for epcop

4. Slideshare.net/eportfoliosaustralia

5. 11:30 am, Paula Williams & Natalie Gamble

5.1. ACU Health Sciences

5.1.1. New bachelor of nursing degree had to be running next year with an eportfolio - as a pilot It initiative project Purpose: to explore eportfolios and their potential to enhance student engagement and personalise their learning experience Desire to learn eportfolio - took 6 months to choose a portfolilmand 3 weeks to implement.

5.1.2. Students capture skills using video on placement and provide reflecyion, tag graduate atts against reflections and artifacts. Rubrics provided and attached to artifacts by students with self assessment Asked staff to take footage,create a portfolio and upload them to understand whst students were being asked to do. $30k spent on head cams etc Technical training requirments huge Staff didnt knownwhat an eportfolio was - and project started being (maybe fault of the implementors?) Driven by technology. Faculties doing the work had to inherit training after trainers dropped out Faculties left to drive the project and implement technology and pedagogy without uni oversight perspective. IT support people confused eportfolio with lms, didn't understand eportfolios or the pedagogy Pilot involved 2500 students per semester Concept of what an eportfolio was was missing from the staff and students Students crashed server with 50meg of video being uploaded in exam week.

5.1.3. In hind sight should have started with a pedagogical rational for why, what and then look at how.

5.1.4. Was eportfolio the right platform formcapturing video and reflection? We need a personal learning space. Along with a solution that matches the learning activity and learning outcomes.

5.1.5. Staff need to know about portfolios and have their own before asking students to make them

5.1.6. Had tech issues, class msnagement issues, pedagogical issues, mobile device use management, social media ethics (eg uploading patient videos to youtube)

5.1.7. Backups are recommended using CD,'s thumb drives etc, so students can take their eportfolios with them for when LEAP2A doesnt work.

6. Wendy Warren, 12 noon

6.1. First year teacher education and eportfolios

6.2. Students had to draw a map of their own literacies and those of their children (together) they were teaching

6.2.1. Students used various diagrams, monopoly, trees, teapots, floor plans etc Different way of conceptualising it

6.2.2. Children 5 years of age

6.2.3. Reflecting and revisiting and reflecting - part of the scaffolding

6.2.4. Transition pedagogy - going from school based pedgogy to university pedagogy

6.2.5. Ict skills have been embedded simply by using eportfolios

6.2.6. Student centred, student pace, home learning, regular formativenfeedback, timely feedback, develop ict skills, interesting and accessible, increased complexity each week

6.2.7. Portfolio designed with long term course long reflection in mimd- ie askimg students in 3rd year to reflect on what they think now compared to reflections made in first year.

6.2.8. The applied pedagogy helped students think like a teacher.

6.2.9. Portfolios included Evidence, appendicies and eferences. Great for later reflection, professional accreditation, repurposing.

6.2.10. Students now using portfolio in other units without being adked to by teachers

6.2.11. Its a book by lane smith - book trailer. Youtube search

6.2.12. Never mentions the word reflection, just gets them to do it! Doesnt confuse them with jargon

7. 12:30 - eportfolios in textile design

7.1. Drawing, translate to fabrics, take a photo, not that good dont look at it

7.1.1. Want students to be able to talk about their work in informed and knowledgable ways, not "my work is organic" "im a fluffy designer"

7.2. Teaching style is inclusive and use social networking such ad blogs and facebook.

7.2.1. To help provide a safe space they can use once they graduate

7.3. Why use an eportfolio

7.3.1. Using a portfolio does reflect practice of the profession, its how others engage with their work.

7.3.2. Designers have become very influential through blogs - thousands of hits per day

7.3.3. Got to be meaningful Students have to be able to relate to what they are doing and why they would use it Not because someone is making you do it The why has to fit in with what teacher is doing and their curriculum So students can say here is who i am, what i can do, and here is the evidence beind it.

8. Master class - eportfolios and integration a planning approach - kathleen blake

8.1. University of massachusetts

8.2. Units on offer not created as a unified well oikled machine - in reality units developed seperately etc

8.2.1. Students asked to fill out a form that lists generic skills they are coming in with General education courses Bachelor of information systems Major Information systems Communication Example Personal life Team work Communication Professional life Fast good delivery Hospitality - front of house Communication Punctuality Extracurricular activities Computing Electronics Example Its the individual drawing out the gen skills they have that is the hard part/skill that is needed to fill out this form Connections for me were not made in my under grad degree regarding what generic skills i was learning - and no connections means no meaning since meaning is created through connections.

8.2.2. New masters being developed as an integrated experience Inside the program - students are expectedc to make connections among units regarding de elopmnent of generic skills Eportfolios seen as a suitable tool - leveraging the long term, artifact, showcase, learning journey nature of portfolios

8.3. Staff could complete form for themselves but not their students - the had no idea what the students extra curricular activities were.

8.3.1. Staff then saw a need to know what students are learning outside their course Because from filling out the form they could see that the connections between general education, their course, and what students learn in their extra curricular activity are there and real and important. Extra curricular learning impacts on and connections are made with learning in a course. Engage students so they develop what the big picture looks like, self efficacy, agency - e.g. having a navman screen of where you are versus being able to see the big map

8.4. Students love mapping activites

8.5. Learning is a process of meaning making, and is a social process - and socialy constructed.

8.6. Getting students peer reviewing past portfolios is a great way of getting them into portfolio use.

8.6.1. Socially constructed

9. Kathleens summing up of conf

9.1. Total success

9.2. Lovely people and experience

9.3. Have affection for reflection, 4rs, global, but designed for individual contexts

9.4. Impressed and intrigued by genuine questions raised

9.4.1. What do we give up

9.4.2. How do we manage eportfolios

9.4.3. Strategies to protect students - too much knowledge availabel

9.4.4. How do we get students involved

9.4.5. How do we get staff involved

9.5. Interrupts the normal flow of education and is a disruptive technology

9.6. How to promote self efficacy for students - portfolios directly do that

9.7. Avoid mismatch between task, assessment, and portfolio

9.7.1. How to match them to best serve students learning needs

9.8. Interest and concern about deep learning showed up again and again