Physical description

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Physical description by Mind Map: Physical description

1. appeareances

1.1. pretty / ugly

1.2. young / old

1.3. weak / strong

1.4. frightening

2. height

2.1. (very) tall

2.2. of medium height

2.3. small

3. build

3.1. big - fat

3.2. plump - chubby

3.3. slim

3.4. thin

4. others

4.1. mouth

4.1.1. braces

4.2. nose

4.2.1. small

4.2.2. big

4.2.3. roung

4.2.4. pointed

4.2.5. crooked

4.3. smile

4.3.1. lovely

4.3.2. sly

4.4. ears

4.4.1. big

4.4.2. small

4.5. feet

4.5.1. big

4.5.2. small

4.6. arms

4.6.1. long

4.6.2. short

4.7. legs

4.7.1. long

4.7.2. short

5. Ordre des adjectifs : Taille, Age, Forme, Couleur, Origine, Matière.

6. face

6.1. shape

6.1.1. long

6.1.2. square

6.1.3. round

6.1.4. oval

6.2. details

6.2.1. freckles

6.2.2. a beauty spot

6.2.3. a moustache

6.2.4. a beard

6.2.5. wrinkles

7. eyes

7.1. size

7.1.1. big

7.1.2. little

7.2. colour

7.2.1. green

7.2.2. blue

7.2.3. brown

7.3. details

7.3.1. glasses

7.3.2. lenses

8. hair

8.1. length

8.1.1. short

8.1.2. shoulder-length

8.1.3. long

8.1.4. bald

8.2. colour

8.2.1. white

8.2.2. grey

8.2.3. blond

8.2.4. red

8.2.5. black / dark

8.2.6. brown

8.3. shape

8.3.1. straight

8.3.2. curly

8.3.3. wavy

8.3.4. frizzy

8.4. details

8.4.1. a bang

8.4.2. a pony tail

8.4.3. bald