Chapter 5 The Roles and Their Work Products

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Chapter 5 The Roles and Their Work Products 作者: Mind Map: Chapter 5 The Roles and Their Work Products

1. Lead Designer

1.1. Architecture Description

2. Designer-programmers

2.1. Screen Drafts

2.2. Common Domain Model

2.3. Design Sketches

2.3.1. Notes

2.4. Source Code

2.5. Migration Code

2.6. Tests

2.7. Packaged System

3. Tester

3.1. Bug Reports

4. Writer

4.1. User Help Text

5. Sponsor

5.1. Mission Statement

6. Team

6.1. Team Structure

6.1.1. Conventions

6.2. Reflection Workshop

7. Coordinator

7.1. Project Map

7.2. Release Plans

7.3. Project Status

7.4. Risk List

7.5. Iteration Plan

7.5.1. Status

7.6. Viewing Schedule

8. Business/User Expert

8.1. Actor-Goal List

8.2. Use Cases

8.2.1. Requirements File

8.3. User Role Model