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Jennifer Hutchings by Mind Map: Jennifer Hutchings

1. Prenatal & New Born

1.1. Physical

1.1.1. In this stage of their physical development newborn's develop involuntary reflexes. Newborns enter the world with reflexive behavioral patterns.

1.2. Cognitive

1.2.1. In this stage a child picks up on the sounds the rattle makes and try's different ways to make the rattle sound different. This happens at about 8 months.

1.3. Socioemotional

1.3.1. At this stage Newborns are observing and learning to interact and become aware of the people around them particularly parent or caregivers.

2. Infancy and Toddler-hood

2.1. Physical

2.1.1. At 14.5 months they can start building towers out blocks.

2.2. Cognitive

2.2.1. We tend to think that infants and toddlers do not understand when we interact with them but infants begin to communicate linguistically well before they say their first words.

2.3. Socioemotional

2.3.1. In this stage infant and toddlers are still discovering the types of attachments they are weather it is separation anxiety,or stranger Anxiety.

3. Preschool Period

3.1. Physical

3.1.1. During this time period children begin to grow in both thier fine and gross motor skills.

3.2. Cognitive

3.2.1. In this stage children are able to use operations in the sense that they can have thoughts in an organized, formal, logical mental process.

3.3. Socioemotional

3.3.1. In this stage children develop gender roles and girls tend to play with girls and boys tend to play with boys. Girls tend to play roles of princess and mothers and boys engage in rough and tumble play.

4. Middle Childhood/School Age

4.1. Physical

4.1.1. At eight years old, interaction in games includes both boy and girls at a higher rate.

4.2. Cognitive

4.2.1. In the age period between 7 and 12, children begin to develop the concrete operational stage where children begin to use logic.

4.3. Socioemotional

4.3.1. During this age middle children view mutual trust as the main focus upon creating a friendship.

5. Adolescence

5.1. Physical

5.1.1. In this age, it can be a confusing time for an adolescent. Both males and females are going through the start of sexual maturation and their bodies are starting to change and it is awkward when they carry themselves for most.

5.2. Cognitive

5.2.1. In this age adolescence can develop a distorted way of thinking and one of those is called personal fables. This is when the adolescent thinks that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else. for example if a student does not do good on an exam, in their mind they did good and the grading was the teachers fault and that they just gave them the grade because the teacher has something against them, when in reality the student did not do so well on the exam.

5.3. Socioemotional

5.3.1. In this stage adolescence come across societal pressure. They no longer rely on the advise of their parents as much as they do their peers for the high school and college career.

6. Late Adulthood

6.1. Physical

6.1.1. There is a stereotype that in this age bracket late adults or no longer able to exercise vigorously when in fact, even though their physical abilities have changed, they are still, in most cases, agile and fit long into old age.

6.2. Cognitive

6.2.1. When it comes to environmental factors and intellectual skills, older people can maintain these through stimulation practice and motivation. This is known as plasticity, a modified structure from experience.

6.3. Socioemotional

6.3.1. A rewarding part of being a late adult is exploring your leisure time. In this time period late adults can explore how to fill their leisure time with friends and hobbies that they might have not had time for earlier in life.

7. Middle Adulthood

7.1. Physical

7.1.1. In this age of physical development, the changes of weight, height, and strength are the benchmarks of change. At age 55 is when these features start to change.

7.2. Cognitive

7.2.1. During this age it is a yes and no answer to the loss of intelligence, research has found that fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence play a role. We do lose crystal intelligence but we don't lose crystallized intelligence because it is relying on learned experiences the adult has gone through.

7.3. Socioemotional

7.3.1. One of the topics that most commonly hits at this age is the burn out. The burn out is when usually middle adults do jobs that involve helping people and they may realize they could be over committed to their jobs.

8. Early Adulthood

8.1. Physical

8.1.1. When entering into adulthood most adults have accomplished their growing in proportion with exception for late bloomers. Although senescence, "the natural physical decline brought on by age", this doesn't show up until later in life.

8.2. Cognitive

8.3. In this stage, early adults come across many milestones that they have to learn how to experience for the first time. These milestones are like the death of a parent, marriage , having a child and, starting your first career. They then also experience the ups and downs of life.

8.4. Socioemotional

8.4.1. One of the important things as an adult is maintaining friendships. The reason why is because when we get to this age we need a sense of belonging.

9. Death & Dieing

9.1. Confronting Death

9.1.1. When understanding the taking of steps towards death there are five steps to be passed through: Denial ,Anger, Bargaining, Depression and finally, acceptance. It is a rough process for anyone but it can be gone through with strong support and resources.

9.2. Grief and Bereavement

9.2.1. This is the acknowledgement of the fact that one has experienced death. there are unhealthy griefs and healthy ones. One or the other can happen to anybody depending on the death situation.

9.3. Death Across the Life Span

9.3.1. Death across the life span is worked with in different way when it comes to ages. In younger ages the concept can still be confusing and as we get older we develop the idea more better but not totally till it happens to you or a loved one.