Themes of To Kill a Mockingbird

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Themes of To Kill a Mockingbird por Mind Map: Themes of To Kill a Mockingbird

1. growing up

1.1. childhood

1.2. bildungsroman

1.3. role models

1.3.1. gender lady tomboy

1.3.2. hero

1.4. courage

1.5. innocence

1.5.1. Tom Robinson (?)

1.5.2. Boo Radely

1.5.3. Scout, Jem, Dill

2. Southern culture

2.1. mystery

2.2. protestantismn

2.2.1. baptists (SBC)

2.2.2. methodists

2.3. violence

2.4. Great Depression

2.5. rural

2.5.1. agricultural

2.5.2. slow life

2.6. Southern Belle

3. (racial) prejudices

3.1. rumors

3.2. racismn

3.3. segregation

3.4. intolerance

4. tolerance

4.1. crime against humantiy

4.2. courage

5. justice and the law

5.1. mob law

5.2. the trial

5.3. Jem and the flowers

6. education

6.1. Dewey Decimal System

6.2. illiteracy

6.3. education and classes

6.4. education and racismn