Web 2.0 tools useful for the researchers

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Web 2.0 tools useful for the researchers by Mind Map: Web 2.0 tools useful for the researchers

1. Disseminate

1.1. Communicate

1.1.1. Google Chat Video

1.1.2. Google site

1.1.3. SWITCHinteract

1.2. Aggregate

1.2.1. tumblr

1.2.2. scoop.it

1.2.3. Pearltrees

1.2.4. Netvibes

1.3. Publish

1.3.1. Prezi

1.3.2. Wordpress

1.3.3. Slideshare

1.3.4. Projecqt

2. Write

2.1. Collaborate

2.1.1. Corkboard

2.1.2. Google doc

2.1.3. Typewith

2.1.4. Padlet

2.1.5. Lucidchart

2.1.6. KanbanFlow

2.1.7. Wrangl

2.2. Organize

2.2.1. Doodle

2.2.2. Google Agenda

2.2.3. KanbanFlow

2.3. quote

2.3.1. Zotero

2.3.2. Mendeley

2.4. Store

2.4.1. Dropbox

2.4.2. Switch Drive

2.5. Thesaurus

2.5.1. Visuwords

3. Identify & select

3.1. Search

3.1.1. Google Scholar

3.1.2. Worldcat

3.1.3. CiteULike

3.1.4. Swissbib

3.1.5. Science Direct

3.1.6. ResearchGate

3.1.7. Zotero

3.1.8. Mendeley

3.2. Recommend

3.2.1. Twitter

3.2.2. Paper.li

3.2.3. Scoop It

3.3. Browse & locate

3.4. Receive

3.4.1. RSS Feed

3.4.2. Netvibes

3.4.3. Feedly

3.5. Memorize

3.5.1. bookmarks Instapaper Diigo

3.5.2. référence Zotero Mendeley Research Gate

3.6. Curate/Filter

3.6.1. Paper.li

3.6.2. Yahoo Pipes

4. read

4.1. Annotate

4.1.1. Diigo

4.1.2. Citebite

4.2. Save

4.2.1. Evernote

4.3. Share

4.3.1. Google docs

4.4. Read on screen/print

4.4.1. Readability

4.4.2. Read it later