Factors That Modify Drug Effects

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Factors That Modify Drug Effects par Mind Map: Factors That Modify Drug Effects

1. Gender

1.1. Your gender can effect how drugs effect you due to not only body size, and composition, but also, hormones.

2. Pregnancy

2.1. Pregnancy can also be a factor due to the type of hormones that are being produced that normally are not, or the lack of hormones that used to be more readily available

3. Physiological Variables

4. Pathological Variables

5. Impaired Organs

5.1. Individuals that have organs with some sort of impairment, e.g. liver due to hepatitis. This could have ill effects from something even like Tylenol due to not being able to metabolize the medicine and therefore being exposed to longer stints of the medicine

6. Medical Conditions

6.1. Gastrointestinal issues can cause issues with being able to absorb drugs and could cause you to not get the amount of drug you actually need

7. Cancer

7.1. Here, we have a very dangerous example: someone that already has a particular cancer and they start taking a medicine/drug that has a side effect that can cause cancer

8. Physiological - relating to the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts

9. Age

9.1. Age can be a factor for drug effects due to several things: drug absorption, biotransformation and elimination.

10. Weight

10.1. Being someone of a heavier stature could, due to more fat in the body, cause you to require more of a particular drug in order for it to be affective

11. Diseases

11.1. Kidney disease would be a good example here, where the diminishing excretion could cause prolonged duration and cause more side effects

12. Cardiovascular Problems

12.1. When one has a cardiovascular issue like abnormal heart rhythm, or hypertension, any drugs that act as stimulants - cocaine for example - could have adverse effects on your heart; even OTC drugs have to be taken into consideration

13. Pathological - involving, caused by, or of the nature of a physical or mental disease

14. My Mind map shows not all of each kind of factor, but what most would recognize. I decided to try not to be quite a busy as my last mind map, but still give the need information. My goal was to keep it simple but get my points across. For colors, I tried to match the individual variables up to their parent.