by Low Yunning
1. Why do teenagers smoke?
1.1. Peer pressure
1.2. Curiousity
1.3. It's cool to be seen smoking
1.4. Get attention
1.5. Boredom
2. Why do people smoke?
2.1. Relieve stress
2.2. Habit
2.3. Addicted
2.4. Social smoking
3. Why is smoking addictive?
3.1. Nicotine
4. Benefits of quitting
4.1. Health
4.2. Financial
4.3. No more social stigma
4.4. More productive because less time spent on smoking breaks
4.5. Smell and look better
5. Consequences
5.1. Addiction
5.2. Lung cancer
5.3. Brain damage
6. Anti-smoking programs
6.1. Singapore
6.1.1. Prohibit tobacco advertisements
6.1.2. Legislate smoke-free zones