Theories of Popular Culture
by Miasco, Maria Aliza O.
1. Marxism
1.1. Karl Marx
1.1.1. Modes of Production
1.2. William Morris
1.2.1. Art & Labor
1.3. Louis Althusser
1.3.1. Ideology
1.4. Antonio Gramsci
1.4.1. Hegemony
2. Postmodernism
2.1. Jean Francois Lyotard
2.1.1. Incredulity toward metanarratives
2.2. Fredric Jameson
2.2.1. Pastiche
3. Psychoanalysis
3.1. Sigmund Freud
3.1.1. Theory of the human psyche
3.2. Jacques Lacan
3.2.1. Real, Symbolic, Imaginary
4. Feminism
4.1. Simone de Beauvoir
4.1.1. Woman as "the Other"
4.2. Laura Mulvey
4.2.1. The Male Gaze
4.2.2. Voyeurism
4.3. Sylvia Walby
4.3.1. Dual Systems Theory
5. The Frankfurt School
5.1. Theodore Adorno & Max Horkeimer
5.1.1. The Culture Industry
6. Structuralism
6.1. Ferdinand de Saussure
6.1.1. Signs & Signifiers
7. Semiology
7.1. Roland Barthes
7.1.1. Code Systems
7.1.2. Myths
8. Post-Structuralism
8.1. Jacques Derrida
8.1.1. Deconstructionism