RISK TAKING "If you can see a way when everybody says there's no way - Know that you hav...

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RISK TAKING "If you can see a way when everybody says there's no way - Know that you have an extra-ordinary spirit to do the impossible." Written in 2008 by Mpho Shoroma --- South Africa por Mind Map: RISK TAKING          "If you can see a way when everybody says there's no way - Know that you have an extra-ordinary spirit to do the impossible." Written in 2008 by Mpho Shoroma --- South Africa

1. New ideas

2. Creativity

2.1. Choose activities that require creativity

3. Classroom Environment

3.1. Encourage failure

3.2. High expectations

3.3. Willingness to try

3.4. Create a "culture of innovation"

4. Management Skills

4.1. Organization

5. Modeling

6. Making choices

6.1. Identify goal

6.2. Identify ways to achieve goal

6.3. Identify possible results of choices

6.4. Implement one option

6.5. Decide if goal was achieved

6.6. Make adjustments

7. Curiosity

7.1. Encourage questions

7.2. Encourage "spontaneous inquiry"

8. Motivation

8.1. Encourage intrinsic motivation to learn

8.2. Encourage intrinsic rewards

9. Practice