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Support - 2 people by Mind Map: Support - 2 people

1. Campaign Amendments

1.1. Support person

1.2. Technical - until feature in admin

2. Bugs/System Errors

2.1. Support person

2.2. Technical

2.3. Inbound bugs only?

3. Client creation

3.1. Support person

3.2. Publisher account

3.3. Adding publications

3.4. New users

4. Customer reports?

4.1. Ad performance

5. International Support

5.1. training & deployment

6. Language Issues

7. Template Faults/ Requests

7.1. Designers

7.2. Admin to upload replace

7.3. Admin/Support person to liaise with client

8. Tag Issues

8.1. Technical Team

8.2. Support person to liaise with client

9. Integration Support

9.1. Technical Team

9.2. Support person to liaise with clients

10. Navigation of platform

10.1. Support

10.2. Training

11. Communicating to clients and international representative on changes to system

12. Updates to the system

12.1. Communicate to clients

12.1.1. Communicate to International Representatives

13. System Requests

13.1. Language Changes