ACTIVITY 7 - A Round Robin

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ACTIVITY 7 - A Round Robin by Mind Map: ACTIVITY 7 - A  Round Robin


1.1. Learners will obtain common knowledge about the College of Lake County's tutoring services

1.2. Learners will engage in online collaboration

1.3. Learners will become familiar with using EtherPad


2.1. Learners will post information they know about College of Lake County's tutoring center

2.2. Learners will communicate via online means

2.3. Learners will add information to documents in EtherPad


3.1. Did every learner add information about tutoring services?

3.2. Did every learner contribute solely online?

3.3. Did every learner contribute information on EtherPad?


4.1. Instructor emails learners list of students in determined order

4.2. Instructor emails learners instructions on what to do

4.3. Instructor posts the topic on EtherPad: What I know about CLC's tutoring center

4.4. Learners add one sentence to the document in the order given by the instructor

4.5. When everyone has contrubuted, instructor reviews the complete document

4.6. This activity can be completed in three days