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Media and Forums by Mind Map: Media and Forums

1. Network Operators Group & Forums

1.1. North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG)

1.2. UK Network Operators' Forum (UKNOF)

1.3. RIPE

1.4. Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT)

1.5. FRench Network Operators Group (FRnOG)

1.6. JApan Network Operators Group (JANOG)

2. Other Forums

2.1. Metro Ethernet Forum

2.2. Broadband Forum

2.3. Open Networking Foundation

3. Media

3.1. Lightreading

3.1.1. Webinar


3.3. Fierce Telecom

3.4. Streaming Media

3.5. Network World (Enterprise)

3.6. ZDNet

3.7. CED Magazine (Cable)

3.8. Multichannel News (Cable)

3.9. TMC

3.10. Vision2Mobile

4. Journals of Vendors and Operators

4.1. BLTJ

4.2. Ericsson Review

4.3. NTT Technical Journal

4.4. BT Technical Journal

5. Blog


5.2. Dan Rayburn (Streaming Media)