Resource and Development

Class 10- SST- Geography

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Resource and Development by Mind Map: Resource and Development

1. Soil

1.1. Formation

1.1.1. Climate

1.1.2. Topography

1.1.3. Time

1.1.4. Vegetation

1.1.5. Parent Rocks

1.2. Classification

1.2.1. Alluvial Soil

1.2.2. Black Soil

1.2.3. Red and Yellow Soil

1.2.4. Laterite Soil

1.2.5. Arid Soil

1.2.6. Forest Soil

1.3. Soil Erosion

1.4. Soil Conservation

2. Resource Development

2.1. Resource Planning

2.1.1. Resource Planning in India

2.2. Conservation of Resources

2.2.1. Afforestation

2.2.2. Proper management of grazing

2.2.3. Proper Irrigation

2.2.4. Managements of waste lands

2.3. Land Resources

2.3.1. Mountains

2.3.2. Plains

2.3.3. Plateau

2.4. Land Utilization

2.4.1. Patterns of use of Land Resources

2.5. Land Use Pattern in India

2.6. Land as Resource

3. Types of Resources

3.1. On basis of Origin

3.1.1. Biotic

3.1.2. Abiotic

3.2. On basis of Exhaustibility

3.2.1. Renewable

3.2.2. Non-renewable

3.3. On basis of Status

3.3.1. Indivisual

3.3.2. Community

3.3.3. National

3.3.4. International

3.4. On basis of State of Development

3.4.1. Potential

3.4.2. Developed

3.4.3. Stock

3.4.4. Reserves

4. Discriminate use of Resources

4.1. Sustainable Development

4.1.1. Agenda 21