by John Seno
1. justice
1.1. independent
1.2. expanding capacity
1.3. enforcement of law and contracts
2. government
2.1. public accountability
2.2. financial transparency
2.3. proper execution of policy
2.4. citizen engagement
2.4.1. policy discussions
2.5. re-invest proceeds from natural resources
2.5.1. minerals, oil, gas e.t.c
2.5.2. adequate legislation & resource sharing
2.6. proper use of taxpayer funds
2.6.1. manage debt
2.6.2. reduce corruption
3. economic development
3.1. infrastructure
3.1.1. cheaper energy
3.1.2. expand road network
3.1.3. increase port capacity
3.1.4. upgrade and expand railway
3.1.5. build efficient public transport system
3.2. GDP growth
3.3. monetary policy
3.3.1. expand credit
3.3.2. control inflation
3.4. growing exports
3.4.1. provide incentives
3.5. growing new markets for exports
3.5.1. increase intra Africa trade
4. population
4.1. demographic dividend
4.1.1. abundant cheap labor
4.2. human development
4.2.1. improve education increase number of well trained teachers reduce class size
4.2.2. improve healthcare
4.2.3. food security