Sexual Assault Prevention Programs

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Sexual Assault Prevention Programs by Mind Map: Sexual Assault Prevention Programs

1. Appendix

1.1. instruments

2. Conclusion

2.1. research questions

2.1.1. bi/multi findings

2.2. limitations

2.3. recommendations

3. New Node

4. Findings+Analysis

4.1. Univariate

4.1.1. explanations+stats tables analyzed by relating with research questions compare pre/post surveys

4.2. bivariate

4.3. multivariate

5. Methodology

5.1. data source

5.2. sample

5.2.1. demographics

5.3. research quesions

5.4. levels of analysis

5.4.1. univariate

5.4.2. bivariate

5.4.3. multivariate

5.5. missing data/criticisms

6. Literature Review

6.1. definitions

6.2. formerly appeared programs

6.2.1. program features

6.3. related theories

6.4. criticisms of the sources

6.4.1. thesis enhancement/conclusion

7. Introduction

7.1. Current situation

7.2. background

7.3. stats to explain bg

7.4. explain following chapters


8.1. author's academic biography

9. References

9.1. Name. (year) Title. Place/Name of bigger source (i.e. magazine), page no./Retrieved date, from 'link'

10. List of Tables

11. Contents

12. List of Tables

13. Abstract

13.1. types of surveys+analyses

13.2. short description

13.3. Objective

14. Approval Page

14.1. supervisory committee

15. acknowledgements

15.1. Thanks