Treaty of Versailles, 07/05/1919
by Scott Burn
1. Germany would pay $33 Billion to Allies
2. Also Known as the "War Guilt Clause"
3. Reparations
3.1. Article 231 of T.o.V assigned blame of WW1 to Germany.
3.2. 12.5% of its Population
3.3. Decided in 1921
4. League of Nations
4.1. Intended to solve international disputes
4.2. Prevent future wars
5. Over 50% of its Iron and Steel Industry
6. Union (Anschluss) with Austrial Strictly FORBIDDEN
7. 13% of its Territory
8. 16% of Coal Industry
9. Designed by Woodrow Wilson - the "fourteenth point".
9.1. Legal Restrictions on Germany
9.1.1. Article 231: forced to accept SOLE responsibility for war and had to repair all damage done to population of Allied Countries.