Treaty of Versailles, 07/05/1919

A Mind Map showing what the treaty of versailles on May 7th, 1919 meant for Germany after the war. Information useful for GCSE History (AQA)

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Treaty of Versailles, 07/05/1919 by Mind Map: Treaty of Versailles, 07/05/1919

1. Germany would pay $33 Billion to Allies

2. Also Known as the "War Guilt Clause"

3. Reparations

3.1. Article 231 of T.o.V assigned blame of WW1 to Germany.

3.2. 12.5% of its Population

3.3. Decided in 1921

4. League of Nations

4.1. Intended to solve international disputes

4.2. Prevent future wars

5. Over 50% of its Iron and Steel Industry

6. Union (Anschluss) with Austrial Strictly FORBIDDEN

7. 13% of its Territory

8. 16% of Coal Industry

9. Designed by Woodrow Wilson - the "fourteenth point".

9.1. Legal Restrictions on Germany

9.1.1. Article 231: forced to accept SOLE responsibility for war and had to repair all damage done to population of Allied Countries.

10. What Did Germany Lose?

10.1. All Overseas Colonies

11. the big three