Academic Branding in Saudi Arabia

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Academic Branding in Saudi Arabia by Mind Map: Academic Branding in Saudi Arabia

1. Definitions

1.1. Brand

1.1.1. It is a promise that you make and strive to keep It has a value that Students would pay to attend it Donors will pay money to support it Faculty and staff will strive to spend their career in it Characteristics of Brand Promise Singular: you cannot promise more than one thing Often very personal and emotional Focus on specific people, specific thing, or specific geography, or all three Generates enthusiasm among internal stakeholders Competitive, distinctive, price-worthy Relevant Timely Creates a university-wide commitment to its fulfillment Allows the university to deliver value to the market

1.1.2. It is the juncture of what you want to do and what your audience want you to do Alignment Commitment Focus Organizational inertia

1.2. Branding

1.2.1. Difference between branding and marketing: branding captures the hearts of students, donors, faculty and staff. Marketing captures the hearts of outsiders

2. Key Principles

2.1. Differentiation

2.1.1. The university offers something special and different than the rest of the universities

2.2. Integration

2.2.1. Integrating all university communications towards enforcing the differentiators

2.3. Name Recognition

2.4. Image

2.5. Positioning

3. What should be done?

3.1. Research

3.1.1. Understand consumers' needs and perceptions

3.1.2. What differentiate this university from others?

3.2. Integrated Marketing

3.2.1. Brand should drive marketing strategies

3.2.2. Fluid integration & coordination of marketing efforts between departments and colleges

3.2.3. Differences between Brand Marketing and Direct Marketing Brand marketing leads to emtional response - change in attitude and percetion Direct marketing leads to physical response - measurabe action or behavior

3.3. Positioning Statement

3.3.1. Common directions to all university marketers on how the university should be promoted and marketed

3.3.2. Everyone should be on the same wavelength

3.3.3. Describes wat makes the university unique (differentiators)

3.3.4. Can't be everything to everyone Instead, being something special for small number of people who are keenly interested in your special promise

3.3.5. Should establish a promise and live the brand Special service Special academic achievement

3.3.6. Developed by students, faculty and staff

3.3.7. Positioning statement is narrower than mission statement

3.4. Documented Brand Strategy

3.4.1. Students, Faculty & Staff

3.4.2. Consumers perceptions

3.4.3. Two key components Awareness Relevance

3.4.4. Life Cycle of Brand Strategy Make a promise of value Communicate the promise Live the promise Strengthen the promise

3.5. Strategic Brand Audit

3.5.1. Evaluation of university's core values and needs and expectations of internal stakeholders

3.5.2. Evaluation of external stakeholders' needs and expectations

3.5.3. Market analysis and review of competitors

3.6. Integrated Marketing Communication Channels

3.6.1. Recruitment publications

3.6.2. Website

3.6.3. Fundraising materials

3.6.4. Rector's speeches

3.6.5. Press releases

3.6.6. Advertisement

4. Stamats Brand Report Card

4.1. 1. The president, senior administrators and faculty understand and agree on the role and function of branding at the institution

4.2. 2. The institution demonstrates its commitment to building brand equity with a sufficient allocatino of time, talent and dollars

4.3. 3. The most important target audiences and competitors have been clearly identified

4.4. 4. Your most import external audiences find your brand promise relevant and demonstrate their commitment to your brand promise

4.5. 5. Internal stakeholders understand and care about the brand promise

4.6. 6. You consistently deliver on your brand promise

4.7. 7. Your price is competitive and consistent with public perception of what people think you are worth. People believe you are a good value.

4.8. 8. Your brand promise properly positions you for the future

4.9. 9. Your brand image is consistent and distinctive and supports messages that are relevant, remembered and repeated

4.10. 10. You consistently measure whether or not you are increasing brand equity

5. Implications of Branding

5.1. University should live up to its brand

5.2. The brand has the power to change the behavior of internal stakeholders (students, faculty, staff, alumni)

6. References





7. Key Difference of Saudi Higher Education Institutions

7.1. Most of the Saudi universities are public & free.

7.2. List of universities

7.2.1. Public

7.2.2. Private

7.3. However, universities should think and function in a business model

7.3.1. Their brand will influence the amount of endowment they secure

8. Two Schools: Brand Management vs Brand Leadership

8.1. Brand Management

8.1.1. Focuses on short term

8.1.2. Promotion is the primary tool

8.1.3. Tactical & Reactive

8.1.4. Visual

8.1.5. Icon-driven

8.1.6. Interested in brand image

8.1.7. How many media column inches

8.2. Brand Leadership

8.2.1. Long term

8.2.2. Leadership belief that branding will result in competitve advantage for the university

8.2.3. Strategic

8.2.4. Visionary

8.2.5. Promise-driven

8.2.6. Interested in brand equity Definition Lance Leuthesser “brand equity represents the value (to a customer) of a product (or service) above that which would result for an otherwise identical product without the brand’s name. In other words, brand equity represents the amount of value which a brand’s name alone contributes to the offering (again, from the perspective of the customer).” Synonymous Presitge factor Reputational capital

8.2.7. How many collaborations and sponsorships