1. MaFI workshop during the SEEP Annual Conference
1.1. Proposed topics for 2012
1.1.1. Progress in the last year, achievements, challenges and strategic reflection (how would you like MaFI to be in 2013?). Then we split into subgroups. Here's some options:
1.1.2. Local Learning Groups: experiences from Bangladesh (MDF-Rajiv), Rwanda (Debora Randall), Brazil (Gianluca) and ideas to create a promotion and coordination system
1.1.3. Production of knowledge from MaFI: ideas to come up with a sustainable system to synthesise and produce briefs, papers, cases studies, etc.
1.1.4. Capacity building of market facilitators: is it now the right time to thnk again about an international capacity building system? How ambitious can we be? Should we start small and come up with a MaFI standard for facilitators' skills and attitudes?
2. Members's discussions
2.1. Member-led discussion syntheses
3. Special events
3.1. Featured e-discussions
3.1.1. How to use smart subsidies for agricultural knowledge & info services
3.2. E-consultations
3.2.1. How to integrate experiential knowledge and staff observations in value chain M&E (in collaboration with The Groove and USAID's Microlinks)
4. Introductions
5. Virtual interactions
5.1. LinkedIn (for committed members)
5.2. Facebook page
5.3. Twitter
6. Local learning groups
7. Top Influencer of the Month Award
8. Ways to make MaFI work for you (Please discuss with the facilitator in advance)
8.1. Do your meet often with colleagues nearby? Connect that group with MaFI
8.2. Turn your project team into a local learning group
8.3. Bring training or mentoring discussions into MaFI. Why keeping them amongst a few when they could change the world or get inputs from top-class experts?
8.4. Make MaFI part of your competitive advantages when writing a proposal
8.5. Do you or any of your colleagues have to organise a presentation about a topic that is relevant to MaFI members? Why not doing it thorugh MaFI to boost your outreach and enrich it with the collective wisdom of MaFI members?
8.6. Giving your blog more visibility and a specialist audience (through RSS integration).
9. MaFI-festo
9.1. Relationships donors-practitioners
9.2. How we work in the field
9.3. Capacity building
9.4. How we measure our impacts
9.4.1. Systemic M&E: embracing systems and complexity to measure what matters in inclusive market development The Big Three (issues) Excessive focus on OUR effects on the poor Excessive focus on extraction of information and accountability to the donors Sustainability understood as longevity of OUR legacy The Seven Principles: Indirectness of Impact Depth of Impact Network-driven change Unpredictability Sensitivity to external signals Information deficit Susteinability as adpatability NEW!!! Synthesis paper: the Big Three Issues and the Seven Principles to build a usable systemic M&E framework Online discussion in collaboration with USAID's Microlinks (23-25 Oct 2012) Live webinar with top experts sharing concrete examples of what they are doing to tackle the Big Three. (24 Oct) Plenary at the SEEP 2012 Annual Conference