Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

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Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology by Mind Map: Referral and Assessment for Assistive Technology

1. The assessment can be conducted from direct observation or through formal and informal interviews

1.1. Direct Observation is observing the student's cognitive, sensory, motor, communication, social skills as well as the students current use of any AT devices.

1.1.1. Observation provides feedback to the IEP team and should be conducted in the student's natural enviroment.

1.2. Interviews allow the specialist to gather information about student from parents, teachers, and the student. Interviews give these individuals an opportunity to express their experiences, interests, and concerns.

2. Step One: Referral for Assistive Technology Assessment

2.1. Step one in the process incudes the referral for assistive tedchnology.

2.2. Once the referral in made, the team of professionals meet to consider the request for services.

2.3. The team will then collect the following information: 1. student data or personal info, 2.medical data for vital concerns, 3. Vision and hearing reports, 4. Information about any technology or equipment currently in use, and 5. Background info. regarding and related services provided previously for the student

3. Step Two: Conducting an Assistive Technology Assessment

3.1. A assessment is conducted by the AT specialist with information from various sources including student's records, observations and information gathering, and formal assessment of the student's current skills.

4. Step Four: Implementation of the Assistive Technology Device

4.1. Once the assessment process is completed and the descision is made to obtain the AT device for the student, the device must then be successfully implemented for the students use.

4.2. The student, teachers, and family must recieve support to successfully implement the AT device. Training is provided and the student is closely monitored to make sure the device is ultilized correctly and the student is learning successfully.

5. Step Three: The Individualized Education Plan Team

5.1. The IEP team is a multidisciplinary team that will make a descision based on the AT specialist's report about the student and other imperative information included in the student's IEP. The student's goals are reviewed and see how the AT will allow for the student to access the curriculum