How to Create a Custom Video Thumbnail and Dominate Related Videos

You can now upload to YouTube a Custom Video Thumbnail to Visually Brand your YouTube Videos. Once this is done, I will show you have to Dominate the "Related Videos" on YouTube to Triple your Video Views.

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How to Create a Custom Video Thumbnail and Dominate Related Videos por Mind Map: How to Create a Custom Video Thumbnail and Dominate Related Videos

1. PowerPoint

1.1. Select a Template

1.2. Enter H1 Video Title

1.3. Enter H2 Sub-Title

1.4. Insert Social Icons

1.5. Play in Preso Mode

2. Snagit

2.1. Copy Image into Snagit

2.2. Save Image as H1 Title

2.3. Save Image as PNG File

2.4. Create membership site

3. YouTube

3.1. Products

3.2. Partner

3.3. Audiences

3.4. Authority

4. Branding

4.1. Content

4.2. Personality

4.3. Positioning

5. Your Offer

5.1. Features

5.2. Benefits

5.3. Uniqueness

5.4. So What?