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"You" par Mind Map: "You"

1. Travel

1.1. Turkey

1.1.1. I got my own home and family in Turkey so I go there each year at least ONCE.

1.2. Europe

1.2.1. I've been to almost everywhere in Europe and would like to finish my trips there.

1.3. North America

1.3.1. I'd like to go to the United States, Mexico and Canada. I had already planned trips to these countries but Covid ruined it all.

2. Future

2.1. Education

2.1.1. HBO Nursing/Medicla School Medical Degree

2.1.2. I'd like to pursue my education after Software Development into Nursing

2.2. Family

2.2.1. Eventually after Medical School I'd like to have a family of my own and still have a good relationship with my parents and other family members.

2.3. Job

2.3.1. While still going to school, I'd like to have a part-time job to earn some cash. And after my education I'd like a job as either a nurse or surgeon. So that I can provide for my family.

3. Hobbies

3.1. Gaming

3.1.1. FPS

3.1.2. MOBA

3.1.3. Fighter

3.2. Music

3.2.1. Emo Rap/Sad Rap/Rap

3.2.2. Hip-Hop

3.2.3. R&B

3.2.4. Lo-Fi

3.2.5. Soul

3.3. Outside

3.3.1. Being with family

3.3.2. Hanging with friends

3.3.3. Riding my moped

4. Family

4.1. Problems

4.1.1. Too many x)

4.2. Relationship

4.2.1. I have a pretty good relationship with my family, better with my mom's side.

4.2.2. Dad

4.2.3. Mom

4.3. Time spend

4.3.1. I'm at least once or twice a week with my family

4.3.2. I love spending time with them [depends on who]