September Month End Teleseminar Promotion

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September Month End Teleseminar Promotion by Mind Map: September Month End Teleseminar Promotion

1. Squeeze Page

1.1. Thank You Page

1.1.1. Sales Page with Offer

1.1.2. Potential 'Fast Movers' Idea for promo: First 50 people to join USCCA get invited to a special VIP call with Tim instead of the VIP call we could deliver the custom Videos Tim made????

1.1.3. USCCA Membership x 10% Discount

1.1.4. Bonuses with Special Offer Threat Detection Course (work with Mike Hill to come up with better title) The Ultimate Gun Giveaway (work with Mike Hill to come up with better title) How to Protect Your Family From a Home Invasion (work with Mike Hill to come up with better title) Needs a New digital cover

1.1.5. Deadline for Offer Sept 30th

1.1.6. Need Custom URL for special offer or something like that

1.2. Date and time of call

1.3. Ask question

1.3.1. “What’s Your Biggest Question about Concealed Carry?”

1.3.2. Bob's Dropbox

1.3.3. Page numbers on pages so Host can reference

1.4. 10 Min video from Tim

1.4.1. “The Decision to Carry Concealed & Common Concealed Carry Mistakes."

1.5. Download for Notes page

2. Squeeze collects:

2.1. Name

2.2. Email

2.3. Optional: Cell phone for SMS text reminder

3. Technology and Services

3.1. Instant Teleseminar

3.1.1. Kyle created a Free Trial account

3.1.2. Kyle also contacted Support about getting an increase of available lines

3.2. Have attend and record

3.2.1. Kyle to email and retain their services

4. Promo Calender

4.1. Friday Sept 21

4.1.1. Teleseminar invite in CCR (banner and write up with P.S. inside CCR to Prospects)

4.1.2. Facebook 400 x 400 info Graphic banner posted on Facebook walls

4.2. Saturday Sept 22

4.2.1. Teleseminar invite Email #1

4.3. Sunday Sept 23

4.3.1. Day off from mailing

4.4. Monday Sept 24

4.4.1. Teleseminar invite Email #2

4.5. Tuesday Sept 25

4.5.1. Teleseminar invite Email #3 - AM mailing first thing

4.5.2. Teleseminar at 8:00 PM EST Reminder Email #1 goes out morning of call to Registrants w/Notes Sheet link Reminder Email #2 goes out 1 hour before call with Notes Sheet linked Reminder Email #3 goes out 10 minutes before call with Notes Sheet Linked SMS text Reminder goes out 5 minutes before call use our account for this

4.6. Wednesday Sept 26

4.6.1. Replay Page goes live

4.6.2. Link to order on Replay page should open in a new window

4.6.3. Email Promos for Today: Prospects: Replay page People Who Signed up for Event: Replay page and offer

4.7. Thursday Sept 27

4.7.1. Email about Special offer directly

4.8. Friday Sept 28

4.8.1. CCR Promo Banner for Replay of Call in Right Side Bar PS to Replay of call

4.9. Saturday Sept 29

4.9.1. Day off from Promo

4.10. Sunday Sept 30

4.10.1. Last Chance Email