IOD Digital Jersey

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IOD Digital Jersey by Mind Map: IOD Digital Jersey


2. Digital Jersey Why

2.1. Employment & diversification are key

2.2. everything is digital

2.2.1. smart rubbish bins are to allow advanced monitoring

2.2.2. can make a huge difference — but only when it’s used to reshape everyday practice.

2.3. 500 new jobs in 18months.

2.4. It's real… Gigabyte/DJL

2.5. Lessons from the passed mistake in 1999

3. Statistics

3.1. 1500 staff have Digital professions

3.1.1. 640 in Finance and the Law

3.1.2. 350 in IT

3.1.3. 170 in the public sector (i.e. health, education, etc.)

3.1.4. 120 in wholesale and retail

3.1.5. 110 in communications

3.1.6. Over 50% have a university level qualification

3.2. 560 people work in Jersey’s IT sector (only 80 are female)

3.3. 200 companies

3.3.1. many individuals

3.3.2. must be heavily weighted with contractors

3.4. 10 companies

3.4.1. more than 10 staff

3.5. 480 are managers or professionals (IT, marketing, HR, etc)

3.6. 28,000 regular use IT

3.6.1. why go on about the 16% female

3.7. GVA of 25 million (compare that Malta) 0.7% of Jersey's economy

3.8. 50% of IT staff Jersey born

3.9. the finance industry

3.9.1. have 40% of all IT stuff

4. Jersey needs to

4.1. be realistic

4.2. plan for the long term

4.3. leveraged geographical location

4.4. find the right space in the spectrum

4.5. exploit when you have no first

4.5.1. jersey should not copy

4.6. unique resources of Jersey and it's population

4.6.1. think and do different

4.7. avoid competition

4.8. Understand our Lack of natural resources

4.9. Build on spillover digital ideas

4.10. Rebalance government spending towards innovation:

4.11. Collective intelligence

4.12. Measurement, data and standards:

4.13. Public and social innovation

4.13.1. social challenges

4.14. Infrastructure investment

4.15. Create the next generation of digital makers,

4.16. giving all teenagers the chance to make, code, design and program.

4.17. Remove barriers to entrepreneurship:

4.18. Financial architecture:

4.19. Targeting marketing

4.20. being producers as well as consumers.

4.21. Support/Filter

4.21.1. create buzz

4.21.2. offering cloud based services.

4.21.3. incentives

4.21.4. marketing push

4.21.5. "angel" investment

4.21.6. Infrastructure

4.21.7. risk management, mentoring & careful guidance.

4.22. Bring the innovation here, have the support for growth, 10% innovation 90% execution

4.22.1. only 1 in 10 succeed in the startup phase

4.23. Focus on quality

4.23.1. Pick winners/backing winners

4.23.2. next level coming out of tech hubs After incubation

4.23.3. focused and specialist in particular sectors

4.24. Partner

4.24.1. Tech hubs

5. We have

5.1. Finance industry

5.2. Legal system

5.3. Digital Jersey Body

5.4. Transport links

5.4.1. UK

5.4.2. EU

5.5. A Safe haven

5.6. Tax base

5.7. Gigabit Jersey

5.8. IP legislation

6. Example Ideas/products/opportunity

6.1. Finance Inovation

6.1.1. digital innovation in finances

6.1.2. in you own business's

6.1.3. PQ

6.1.4. IBM/DELL big data

6.1.5. LLoyds IB

6.1.6. pooling software

6.1.7. Case study: Bioco Spec done in Texas Hosted in UK Developed in Jersey Delivered in West Africa

6.2. household survey

6.2.1. in the cloud

6.3. big data

6.3.1. standards for finance

6.3.2. FATCA

6.3.3. solvency II

6.3.4. spot business trends

6.3.5. large data set analysis for regulatory requirements

6.3.6. Legal citation analysis

6.3.7. patents search FAST CPA

6.3.8. forecasting

6.3.9. mass storage

6.3.10. analysis

6.3.11. legal protection for data

6.3.12. Security

6.3.13. encryption

6.3.14. knowledge

6.4. Selling information/data

6.4.1. JFSC

6.4.2. aggregate company data

6.4.3. VeriSign

6.5. transport

6.5.1. electric cars

6.5.2. digital buses

6.6. Green

6.6.1. wind power

6.6.2. power

6.6.3. recycling

6.6.4. wave power

6.7. 3-D printing

6.8. Power/JEC

6.8.1. data analysis

6.8.2. home monitoring

6.8.3. gigabit connected

6.9. Jersey lab/community lab

6.9.1. extend the idea beyond jersey telecoms

6.9.2. living lab

6.9.3. transport

6.9.4. healthcare

6.9.5. energy power/monitors int he home etc

6.9.6. data analysis

6.9.7. media Jersey film Festival connected social media Twitter Digital with the films art work events/initiatives

6.10. Internet of Things

6.10.1. senses

6.10.2. RFID everything

6.10.3. put it all on the Internet

6.10.4. tagged bins

6.10.5. recycling Green

6.10.6. reduced waste

6.11. health

6.11.1. HD video to doctors

6.11.2. Access to medical records

6.11.3. Health the small islands

6.11.4. e-health

6.12. Intellectual property rights

6.13. Forfilment/retail

6.14. Infrastructure and hosting

6.15. E-money/virtual currencies

6.15.1. Nick pushing

6.15.2. law change

6.15.3. 500 banks

6.15.4. Mirco payments

6.16. E-gaming

6.17. Video streaming

6.18. Diplomatic data immunity

6.19. FATCA solutions/regualtury solution (risktracker)

6.20. Digital Jersey Opportunity Catalogue

6.20.1. Start a list of possible opportunity's in the Digital sector.

6.20.2. Live document

6.20.3. DJ in info agg - website

7. Connectivity/gigabit/bandwidth

7.1. Giga bit jersey

7.1.1. A total of 22% of the new customers have upgraded

7.1.2. 4% have taken up superfast service so far

7.1.3. too late U.S. is still only 5.8 megabits per second (Mbps) it's not too late, jersey will be one of the first

7.1.4. high-risk Brave investments like this are needed. It will be an islandwide USP Google are doing it Kansas

7.2. off-island connectivity

7.2.1. Try to get JT to make a clear announcement about off-island connectivity - Philip to pursue

7.2.2. 30 x more expensive than Luxembourg

7.2.3. JT/BT problem that contract

7.3. walled garden

7.4. Everyone access

7.5. Fast schools connections

7.6. Vid conference HD

8. Digital Jersey Ltd.

8.1. What is it

8.1.1. Clarity The overarching aim of Digital Jersey Limited is to enable the development of a digital economy in Jersey by: Supporting local business-existing and start up Attracting providers of digital products and services to Jersey

8.1.2. Through Leveraging existing assets, such as our infrastructure, to utilise digital tools, e.g. e-medicine, e-learning, e-gov Coordinating activity that will improve the eco-system for digital business, including skills development, technical innovation, research and regulatory change.

8.1.3. In order to Create high value employment opportunities Contribute significantly to the diversification strategy

8.1.4. Right now Digital Jersey Limited is recruiting a board (Chair already in place), a CEO, a team, building its membership, undertaking research and developing strategy and marketing tools - things are happening.

8.1.5. Enthusiasm While there are great efforts being made in terms of promoting finance, tourism, inward investment, boosting construction, ‘Digital’ is the only thing that is actually new and has the potential to truly diversify the economy. This is exciting!

8.1.6. Alignment For Jersey to become a digitally enabled economy, industry, government and the wider community all need to have common aims and aligned activity, which is why this debate is so important.

8.2. Paul Masterton

8.3. Support

8.3.1. good funding models

8.3.2. management training

8.3.3. building good teams

8.3.4. culture and mindset

8.3.5. connect up with local expertise

8.4. global networks

8.4.1. importing skills

8.4.2. pooling skills

8.4.3. connecting up

8.4.4. Networked trade org works well

8.5. Funding

8.5.1. £300,000 Not enough Just a token?

8.5.2. £10 million 1998 Why less now?

8.5.3. further funding with a plan First step is benchmark where we are, second step is to roadmap the anticipated future, third step is to model all those changes, and then it is down to plain execution (we used to call it old-fashioned hard work).

9. Research

9.1. comprehensive piece of research

9.1.1. London Business School, Gartner

9.1.2. Market anaysis,

9.1.3. External interviews of +50 profesional in compeditive juristictions

9.1.4. Research - like JFL - on tech openings

9.2. Skills jersey work

9.3. Remember some of the stat's

9.4. based decisions on good metrics

9.4.1. evidence drought

9.4.2. methodical

9.4.3. empirical

9.4.4. scientific

9.4.5. we are small we should be able to do this

9.5. market analysis

9.6. research best practices

9.6.1. don't waste time reinventing the wheel bring your own device example

9.7. data

9.7.1. skills mapping

9.7.2. cluster mapping

9.7.3. accurate data

9.7.4. good research

9.7.5. quantitative data

9.7.6. metrics

9.8. Research

9.8.1. Where should we market?

9.8.2. What should we sell?

9.8.3. Ongoing alive

9.8.4. deeper industry expert analysis,

9.8.5. data thing

10. Jersey Should not

10.1. Incubator

10.1.1. no office space

10.2. Manufacturing

10.3. Digital City

10.4. Silicon valley

10.5. Technology park

10.6. University

10.7. IT hubs

10.7.1. build upon the understanding of the offshore finance business

10.7.2. stay within our domain of knowledge

10.7.3. I don't agree

10.8. IT Startups (trying to do the next big app)

10.9. Only 1 in 10

11. government

11.1. using technology the government service model innovation

11.1.1. healthcare

11.1.2. HR

11.1.3. social services

11.1.4. tax

11.1.5. regulation

11.2. e-government

11.2.1. that he will be proposing an IT specific based savings target amendment to the MTFP in order to further the progress of e-government (efficiency through investment in IT) (like building trade)

11.3. supporting local innovation

11.4. open data

11.4.1. Census data

11.4.2. mapping data

11.4.3. crime data

11.4.4. population data

11.4.5. skills data

11.5. prizes for innovation

11.6. should be developing service models

11.7. policy-making

12. Education

12.1. not digital using but digital making

12.1.1. skills

12.1.2. immigration policies living lab

12.2. learning anywhere home school clubs

12.3. Harnessing digital technology to reinvent learning

12.3.1. blended learning

12.4. teacher training

12.4.1. every teacher across the city's 25 Secondary schools in developing digital literacy,

12.4.2. getting the school leadership on board

12.5. Notes

12.5.1. create, adopt new concepts and innovate, also skills like creativity diligence and teamwork are important.

12.5.2. technology in the classroom

12.5.3. motivating and enthusing individuals to go out and do engineering and technology

12.5.4. School Roadshow

12.5.5. ICT should be reframed as "Innovation and Creativity Technologies"

12.5.6. general purpose problem solving skills, good team working ability, and ability to understand application areas.

12.6. Tools

12.6.1. Big blocks Theory Innovation Entrepreneurial skills

12.6.2. Not just programming

12.6.3. Low cost tablets

12.6.4. Bring your Own

12.6.5. Social Network use

12.6.6. Khan Academy content

12.6.7. MITx MIT Classroom

12.6.8. online courses personalisation 2019 Harvard business School 50 percent of all high school courses will be delivered online 55% higher than normal education blended learning interactions in virtual world face-to-face


12.6.10. raspberry pie supercomputer's University of Southampton Lego

12.6.11. Apps for Good

12.6.12. apps for good

12.6.13. Thimble HTML CSS

12.6.14. Scratch,

12.7. point is not the devices but

12.7.1. the access that it opens up to the wealth of free education resources

12.8. connection to business

12.8.1. industry engaging with education

12.9. Primary

12.9.1. Enthuse

12.9.2. Engage

12.10. Secondary

12.10.1. Total reform

12.10.2. Best practice

12.10.3. Real theory

12.11. Adult schemes

12.11.1. Skills

12.11.2. Job Creation

12.11.3. 2000  unemployed use their skills in a new digitally focused way

12.12. Paid degrees

12.13. In Schools

12.13.1. Bringn your own

12.13.2. leaseing ipads

12.13.3. Policy review (security)

12.13.4. Access to Apple Store & Khan & MIT

12.14. MUST NOT

12.14.1. University of Jersey Idea to big? rich kid's place. eLearning Cousera and Udacity(online learning no need for bricks?) develop highlands instead

12.14.2. hacking sessions no we are not there yet

13. Skills Jersey

13.1. recommendations

13.1.1. Recommendation 1 Adopt a new curriculum for ICT and computing at Key Stages 0 to 3

13.1.2. Recommendation 2 Build on the existing work of IT companies to encourage young people into a career in computing

13.1.3. Recommendation 3 Implement an Information Systems Strategy that can accommodate the current and future range of computers and mobile devices bring your own

13.1.4. Recommendation 4 Place greater emphasis on the development of the soft skills that will be in demand in the future innovation skills collaboration skills creativity diligence teamwork soft skills STEM subjects adopt new concepts adopt new products and innovations knowledge-based

13.1.5. Recommendation 5 Promote programmes in productivity improvement to Intensive IT Users and Managers across Jersey like Malta

13.1.6. Recommendation 6 Review the range of CPD available in Jersey for Digital Professionals continued professional development high levels and industry online learning

13.1.7. Recommendation 7 Create a graduate entrepreneurship programme

13.2. opportunity

13.2.1. Opportunity 1 Encourage new IT start-ups and FDIs by developing a full-blown soft-landing service comprehensive mentoring and business support services. links to research teams business mentoring funding

13.2.2. Opportunity 2 Use major projects in Jersey to catalyse the development of new Digital businesses community healthcare energy JEC power monitoring home traffic systems, ID systems, energy usage, analysis of police communications, community health, Jersey-based businesses

13.2.3. Opportunity 3 Learn from other sector support organisations and researchers

13.3. with 16 replies. How can the report draw any reasonable conclusions?

13.3.1. in order to get a better response face to face meetings web site data phone calls

13.3.2. Jim, Richard and ed...

14. employment

14.1. retraining

14.2. Advance to Work Scheme

14.2.1. talk about advance to work

14.2.2. retraining a diver

14.3. Quality work force

14.3.1. IT skill low

14.4. research paper (5 for 1)

14.4.1. five jobs for every one tech job

14.4.2. existing skills balance

14.4.3. existing tech infrastructure

14.4.4. support jobs

14.4.5. talk about the effect of digital businesses giving work to legal and accountancy Finance established jersey businesses

14.4.6. four jobs for every digital job where is the evidence?

14.4.7. the paper is largely talking about the traded sector generating jobs for higher earners who then need haircuts restaurants doctors etc.

14.5. Problems

14.5.1. Population issues filter the people 4 only looking a the firms Digital Adding the digital brain pool A filter tick box but they do tick the boxes do everything needed (schools)

14.5.2. fine people who have moved from Finance to Digital (sessions)

14.5.3. lack of management and business start up experience (not in Digital space) (DJ)

14.5.4. pipe line... Legislation like JFL

15. Guernsey's Silicon Island

15.1. Alex Taylor

15.1.1. · <>

15.1.2. A social network for ideas

15.1.3. crowdsourcing

15.2. ideas

15.2.1. Web developer Boot Camp no use Highlands and the school infrastructure what's the ROI

15.2.2. start-up incubators

15.2.3. tech hub no bricks and mortar aren't needed

15.2.4. Boot Camp trainers no train teachers and Highland staff

15.2.5. cafes no better things to spend the money on

15.2.6. premises

15.3. marc

15.3.1. IOD

15.3.2. Reviing option

15.3.3. digital park (to get big players)

16. Malta

16.1. 360 approach

16.1.1. Strategic Partnerships

16.1.2. Legislation and e-Inclusion

16.1.3. Incentives

16.1.4. Education

16.1.5. Infrastructure

16.1.6. also 2.Take advantage of the small size 3.Aggressive marketing and promotion 4.Focus on selected E-Commerce areas

16.2. initiatives

16.2.1. Allows applicants to obtain a refund of 80% of the cost of a cost as a tax credit

16.2.2. Personal tax-credit scheme introduced in 2006

16.2.3. Applies to courses from public and private providers

16.2.4. Promotes life-long learning in the ICT sector

16.2.5. Covers vocation education and training as well as academic study

16.2.6. High-speed Copper or Fibre-Optic Broadband is now affordable, reliable, and widely- available

16.2.7. Allow ICT practitioners to keep abreast of developments in ICT

16.2.8. 1010 persons benefited in 2008

16.2.9. Provides grants for post-graduate study in Malta and abroad (ICT)

16.2.10. Various Incentive Schemes and Programmes Launched to Help ICT SMEs.

16.2.11. BPA (Business Promotion Act) allowed tax credits, employment grants, and other benefits.

16.2.12. Malta Enterprise offers free consultancy and part-funding for marketing including fair participation.

16.2.13. 20millionFORindustry scheme

16.2.14. European development money

16.2.15. e-gov initiatives outsource to local companies managed by the technology agency

16.2.16. Vertical Strategic Alliances with a number of companies including Microsoft

16.3. Legislation

16.3.1. •Data Protection Act (2001)

16.3.2. •Electronic Commerce Act (Chapter 426)

16.3.3. •Electronic Communication Act (Chapter 399)

16.3.4. •eSignatures Legislation

16.3.5. •eProcurement Legislation

16.3.6. •Intellectual Property Legislation

16.3.7. •eGaming Legislation

16.3.8. •Double Taxation Laws with over 40 countries

16.4. Malta statistics

16.4.1. tourism, ship-building and manufacturing of textiles 1980

16.4.2. Malta population 420,000

16.4.3. There are now over 250 ICT companies operating in Malta employing over 6000 people.

16.4.4. The total Gross Value Added (GVA) by the ICT Sector in 2010 was around €400m

16.4.5. Behind semiconductors, tourism, and manufacturing, ICT is now the fourth largest contributor to the nation’s GDP (8%). Total GDP is around €6.1 billion.

17. Community/Culture

17.1. Establish a culture and community of mentorship.

17.2. Create digital society

17.2.1. Gov services Wifi for visitors

17.2.2. E.g. Malta Incentives Paid for degrees

17.3. E-Government strategy

17.4. Create awareness

17.5. digital population.

17.6. IT illiterate

17.6.1. Help smart people Need skills

17.6.2. Use of IT business is currently poor

18. New Node