New Directions for Instruction
by Hartman C
1. Interactive
1.1. Clickers
1.1.1. knowledge check (beg)
1.1.2. quizzes
1.1.3. promote discussion
1.1.4. polling
1.1.5. learning check (end)
1.1.6. library tour?
1.2. Music/videos
1.3. Games
1.3.1. Online
1.3.2. in class bingo
1.4. Videos
1.5. techniques
1.5.1. group discussions
1.5.2. Have students demo
1.5.3. bean bags
1.5.4. have students direct searching
1.5.5. on the fly searching
2. Skills building
2.1. clicker workshop
2.2. guest speakers
2.2.1. presentations
2.2.2. learning styles
3. Modular
3.1. Intro to resources
3.1.1. tutorial--revise??
3.1.2. library tour tutorial at home, library tour during class, reconvene to discuss results with clickers?
3.2. Beginning database searching
3.3. Citation styles
3.4. Selecting specialized databases
3.5. Advanced database searching
3.6. Internet searching
3.7. Popular v. Scholarly
3.8. Primary v. Secondary
3.9. Evaluating sources
3.9.1. authorial bias
3.9.2. peer review
3.9.3. appropriateness for topic
3.10. Plagiarism
3.11. Research tools
3.11.1. citation builders
3.11.2. organizers
3.11.3. website notation software