Facilitating DIY Learning

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Facilitating DIY Learning by Mind Map: Facilitating DIY Learning

1. To do

1.1. Slide maken met zwart-wit foto's van auto didacten

1.1.1. Marcel Vrijdag

1.1.2. Tweede slide met DIY-learner, DIY-professional

1.2. A4 met invulveld voor observatie pecha kucha, ook printen

1.2.1. Marcel

1.2.2. Vrijdag

2. Examples from the outside

2.1. SOLE (Mitra)

2.2. Juggling Conference

2.3. Unschooling

2.4. Learning Scenarios Workshop

2.5. Virtual Reading Group

2.6. Quantified self?

2.7. MOOC

2.8. Edupunk

2.9. CoP

2.10. eHealth

2.11. Livemocha

2.11.1. Holds some of the principles: Tools for content creation Connection with other learners Role as learner and as teacher

2.12. World without Oil

2.13. Simulation in the army

2.14. World of Warcraft (community)

2.15. Opleiding Onderwijskundig e-Learning Ontwerper

2.15.1. Design focus on building a self supporting learning group Feedback Collaborative learning

2.15.2. Learning = creating

2.15.3. After ending the course LinkedIn group Intervisie meetings

2.16. Kentalis

2.16.1. Coaching to learning professionals

2.16.2. They defined models

2.16.3. They created marketing material

2.16.4. They created criteria for quality of designs

2.16.5. They created webbased training

2.16.6. They defined a Learning Manifesto

2.17. Unconferences/Open Space

2.18. Yammer in large organisations

2.19. Invisible learning

2.20. Appification

3. Template for examples

3.1. Title

3.2. Main URL

3.3. Short description

3.4. Image

3.5. More information

3.5.1. Links

3.5.2. People

3.6. Short URL with QR code

4. Learning Lab Tuesday, 11:15 am - 12:45 pm Coronado P 661

4.1. Imagine a room that is designed for you and your colleagues to experiment with, touch, try, see and learn about learning innovations. For example, there will be Labs on “Interactive Books” (tablet/ebook) and Infographics (graphical displays of content/context).

5. Why?

5.1. Didactical (effectiveness)

5.1.1. Do - Reflect cycle

5.2. Knowledge work (no other options)

5.2.1. Specilization

5.2.2. Complexity

5.2.3. Drucker definition Output is knowledge and information Autodidact Leonardo da Vinci Ernest Hemingway Quentin Tarantino Steven Spielberg Keith Moon, the drummer for the rock band The Who Jimi Hendrix Gustave Eiffel Thomas Alva Edison Charles Darwin Malcolm X

5.3. ROI (efficiency)

5.3.1. Learner empowerment = Empowerment of professional = Business empowerment

5.3.2. Less investment in formal educational projects

6. Create a DIY Learning Manifesto in 1 group (15 min) 11.55

6.1. Create a mindmap

6.1.1. Hans tikt in

6.1.2. Marcel leidt met groep

7. Principles

7.1. Devolve power/responsibility to the learner

7.2. Learning / knowledge management / performance design

7.2.1. Architect

7.2.2. Designer

7.3. Learning Experience Design

7.3.1. Experience Economy Pine & Gilmore E.g. Disney

7.3.2. Interaction Design

7.4. Open

7.4.1. Content

7.4.2. Organization

7.4.3. Self assessment / self management

7.4.4. Inclusive/No boundaries

7.4.5. Reuse/Share Creative Commons OER

7.5. Self-organizing

7.6. Experience over content

7.7. You are an architect

7.7.1. Participatory theatre

7.8. Bootstrapping/Scaffolding

8. Assignments/excercises

8.1. Define a learning manifesto

8.1.1. Will be published on a wiki

8.2. Create with the group a 80 second video message to the other Learning 2012 participants about DIY-learning

8.2.1. delivered on stage?

8.3. Use of job aids

8.4. Pitch your idea of be a judge

8.4.1. Dragons' Den

8.4.2. Create an elevator pitch

8.5. Communication game

8.5.1. Assignment without communication

8.5.2. Assignment with communication

9. Materials

9.1. Learning 2012 Wiki

9.2. Simple website

9.2.1. Links


9.2.3. Disqus?

9.3. Job aids for the session

9.4. Brownpaper?

9.4.1. For notes etc.

9.5. Socrative or similar

9.5.1. http://www.edistorm.com/

9.5.2. http://socrative.com/

10. Barriers in corporations

10.1. The need for control over experience

10.2. Scared of sharing/opening up

10.3. Victim/passive mentality

11. Scenario/design

11.1. Teaser (5 min) 11.15

11.1.1. What is the common denominator between these people? Leonardo da Vinci Ernest Hemingway Quentin Tarantino Steven Spielberg Jimi Hendrix Gustave Eiffel Thomas Alva Edison Charles Darwin Malcolm X Pictures On the wall On the site

11.2. Assignment (2 min) 11.20

11.2.1. Collect highlights from next pecha kucha

11.2.2. Job aid with focus points

11.3. LearningPitch: DYI fundamentals (8 min) 11.22

11.3.1. Hans & Marcel

11.4. Dive into examples (10 min) 11.30

11.5. Create a DYI Learning Manifesto in group of 3 (15 min) 11.40

11.5.1. Define the ingrediënts

11.5.2. Marcel

11.6. A. Create a new DYI Learning example (20 min) 12.10

11.6.1. Create a 15% session for Learning 2012?

11.6.2. Hans

11.7. B. DIY pitch (20 min) 12.10

11.7.1. Create a video/.../... to share with Learning 2012 community

11.7.2. Marcel

11.8. Wrap up

11.8.1. What have we discussed

12. To do

12.1. PPT slideshare

12.1.1. Checken

12.1.2. Uploaden app

12.1.3. Hashtag veranderen #DIY vs DYI

12.2. Wie doet wat

12.3. Hand-outs

12.4. Site

12.5. Testen video

12.6. Brooke

12.6.1. Whiteboard

12.6.2. Papers (letters), 15 x