Distance Education
by Jenna Campos
1. Management
1.1. Administration
1.1.1. Enrollment
1.1.2. Oversight of teachers, designers, and contect specialists
1.1.3. Program oversight
1.2. Instructional Design
1.2.1. Work with teachers nd content specialists to setup classroom
1.3. Content
1.3.1. Subject matter experts
2. Technology
2.1. Synchronous
2.1.1. Chat Rooms
2.1.2. Web Conferences
2.1.3. Phone Calls
2.2. Asynchronous
2.2.1. Internet posts
2.2.2. Blogs
2.2.3. Correspondence
2.2.4. TV/Video
3. Teaching
3.1. Communication
3.1.1. Synchronous
3.1.2. Asynchronous
3.2. Instruction
3.2.1. Providing Information
3.2.2. Providing Directions
3.3. Preparation
3.3.1. Working with content specialists and instructional designers
4. Learning
4.1. Study Skills
4.1.1. Reading
4.1.2. Completing tasks on time
4.1.3. Writing assignments
4.2. Participation
4.2.1. Answering teacher's questions
4.2.2. Providing feedback to classmates