Faces of Citizen Science

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Faces of Citizen Science by Mind Map: Faces of Citizen Science

1. Traditional

1.1. Students + Teachers+Scientists+Communities

1.2. Ex: Cornell's 'ebird'

1.3. Best Models

1.3.1. Pick an Inquiry Mission

1.3.2. Answer with data

1.3.3. Share w/ scientists & community

1.4. Link for 'earthtalker' site references

2. Connection

2.1. to the Enviornment

2.1.1. empathy for all life

2.1.2. curiosity

3. Civic

3.1. Responsibility & Action

3.1.1. 1) Understand science impact

3.1.2. 2) Evaluate Pros & Cons

3.1.3. 3) Act

3.1.4. Issue Example: Fracking

4. Chesonis Commons

4.1. Building & Opportunities

4.1.1. Top Floor Community Space: design thinking

4.1.2. Workshops: design creating

4.2. Campus

4.2.1. develop learning field sites

4.2.2. explore habitat development

4.2.3. creek bank erosion

4.2.4. work toward unified campus plan

5. Communication

5.1. C.S. Workspace wiki

5.2. C.S. Highlight our work wiki

5.3. [email protected]