
Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Synopsis создатель Mind Map: Synopsis

1. Setting

1.1. I have chosen to shoot my film opening in a house as it will show where my main character lives and will give more insight into their lives. The main character will be getting ready in this house and will then receive news on whats happening.

1.2. I will also shoot in the main characters bedroom to show her getting ready e.g. getting dressed, sorting out items like gun etc. The bedroom will be minimalistic so it doesn't give too much insight into her life as she is very secretive.

1.3. There will also be a moment in the opening where the main character will have the TV on in the background and the news will be reporting an incident that is important to the story. The camera will then zoom into the TV and the news report will turn full screen so it will be the main focus.

2. Props

2.1. Weapons

2.1.1. I have chosen to use a hand gun in my film opening scene as it fits in with the generic conventions of an action film. The gun will be used in the opening scene as a form of protection when a stranger tries to enter the main character's house.

2.2. The newspaper will be used in the opening scene as a normal household item. Also the main character will potentially read it, as this is a conventional thing to do in the morning for adults.

2.3. The coffee mug will be used when my main character makes herself some coffee, pours, and then drinks it while watching the news. The coffee will be her breakfast in the morning when the opening is set.

2.4. The iPhone will be used as an alarm (diegetic) for the main chracter to wake up in the morning. Also the phone will be sent a text giving out information about the main character, so that the audience will know more about her.

2.5. A TV will be used in my opening to show a news report which will report on the main chracter's death. This lets the audience know that someone is trying to fake her death to get rid of her.

3. Diegesis

3.1. A TV will be used in my opening to show a news report which will report on the main chracter's death. This lets the audience know that someone is trying to fake her death to get rid of her.

3.2. The iPhone will be used as an alarm (diegetic) for the main chracter to wake up in the morning. Also the phone will be sent a text giving out information about the main character, so that the audience will know more about her.

3.3. Footsteps- For example when the main character is walking down the stairs etc.

3.4. An unknown stranger will bang on the door viciously showing the audience that he means harm to the main character.

3.5. When the main character is making her coffee/tea a kettle will be heard whistling in the background.

4. Editing

4.1. Fast cuts

4.2. Fast paced during action

5. Cinematography

5.1. Long Shot

5.2. Medium Shot

5.3. Medium Long Shot

5.4. Close Up

5.5. Extreme Close Up

5.6. Tilt Angle

5.7. Match on match action

6. Plot

6.1. A girl (19years) is doing her daily routine e.g. getting ready, having breakfast, reading the newspaper etc. When she is watching the news and they report her death. Suddenly someone starts banging on the door, she then runs upstairs and hides under her bed using her gun for protection as she lives alone.

7. Main Character's Costume

7.1. At the beginning when my character is asleep in bed she'll be wearing pyjamas. They will be similar to the pyjamas shown above but still be plainish, youthful and feminine showing her actual age to the audience.

7.2. My main character will wear a leather jacket in the film opening as it is dark and mysterious which will suit my characters profile. It gives my character a certain edge and dangerous rebellious vibe. They are also in right now so it gives a modern touch to the opening.

7.3. These leggings give my character a very edgy/modern look e.g. a rebel that can't be tamed. But it also shows her feminine side reminding the audience that shes still young and therefore might be reckless.

7.4. This top matches my characters dark and mysterious profile. I have chosen this top because it doesn't give anything away and helps my character remain secretive as in the opening not much information will be given about her.

7.5. I have chosen these black boots because they are feminine and suit my character. Also as it is an action film there will be lots of running so it will be more suitable for my character to wear flats instead of heels.

8. News Reporter's Costume

8.1. This blouse have been chosen for the news reporter as it is very professional looking. Also it is visually pleasing to the audience because she will be on the TV news and the colour white will stand out.

8.2. My news reporter will wear high heels as it goes with the rest of her costume and compliments it perfectly without it being too flashy. Its also professional looking and would be worn by an actual news reporter.

8.3. I have chosen a pencil skirt for my news broadcaster to wear as part of her costume because it is professional looking, and it also fits with the generic outfit a news reporter would wear when reporting the news.