High School Physical Ed. Standard 3, Subset 3.5 “Develop personal goals to improve one’s performa...

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High School Physical Ed. Standard 3, Subset 3.5 “Develop personal goals to improve one’s performance in physical activities”. por Mind Map: High School Physical Ed. Standard 3, Subset 3.5 “Develop personal goals to improve one’s performance in physical  activities”.

1. Athlete's Progress Tracker

1.1. Create a profile on the USDA Super tracker to track your Physical Activity and Nutrition while they train.

1.2. Athletes can visit https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/default.aspx to track their progress

2. Running Resources

2.1. Students can utilize running videos such as http://youtu.be/CTrmr-OTIKI

2.2. Students can utilize websites such as http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/runningtimes

3. Nutritional Resources

3.1. Students can utilize nutritional videos such as http://youtu.be/NjwuzOCuM24

3.2. Students can utilize nutritional resources such as http://www.choosemyplate.gov

4. Plan

4.1. Goals

4.1.1. Goal 1

4.1.2. Goal 2

4.2. Define Problems

4.3. Capture Ideas

4.4. Prioritize Ideas

4.5. Define Action Points