Samantha's Chapter 7 Study Aid!

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Samantha's Chapter 7 Study Aid! by Mind Map: Samantha's Chapter 7 Study Aid!

1. embolism

1.1. pieces of plaque breaks off and travels to smaller arteries and gets suck

2. thrombosis

2.1. plaque builds up in an artery and closes it off

3. Right

3.1. damage can cause cognition & language

3.1.1. stroke, illness, disease

4. RHD

4.1. Characteristics, strokes

4.1.1. lack of awareness

4.1.2. doesnt recognize faces

4.1.3. wordy

4.1.4. no good with problem solving

4.2. I.E. Draw clocks

5. TBI

5.1. def.

5.1.1. neurologial damage to the brain, car crashes

5.2. opened vs closed head injuries

5.3. fig. 7.6!!!

6. Hemisphere's

6.1. Left

6.1.1. dominant for language

7. Dementia

7.1. chronic prgressive decline in memory

7.1.1. memory impairment

7.1.2. cogntive skills decline

7.1.3. can't recognize sounds or words

7.2. characteristics

7.2.1. "forgetful", reduced vocab. =mild

7.2.2. disoriented in loctions, can't understand humor=moderate

7.2.3. extreme disorientation, motor skills vary and can't control bladder/bowel=severe

8. Strokes

8.1. Ischemic

8.1.1. blood supply to the brain is inhibited because it is blocked in an artery

8.2. hemorrhagic

8.2.1. blood vessel or artery ruptires and a large number of blood enters the brain

9. Aphasia

9.1. a language disorder after language competence has developed

9.1.1. how it occurs...after an injury in the language dominant hemisphere of the brain STROKE is most common 3 kinds pg. 222 results in...difficulty in spoken and written language

10. Types of Aphasia

10.1. Broca's

10.1.1. frontal nonfluent, effortful articulation

10.2. Transcortical Motor

10.2.1. prefrontal nonfluentm difficulty starting to speak

10.3. Global

10.3.1. multiple nonfluent, delayed or not able to start speech

10.4. Wernicke's

10.4.1. temporal fluent, jargon

10.5. Transcortical Sensory

10.5.1. parieto-occipital fluent, jargon

10.6. Conduction

10.6.1. arcuate fasciculus fluent, imitation problems, naming problems

10.7. Anomic

10.7.1. angular gyrus fluent, often loss of words

11. After Aphasia?

11.1. Assess to determine the ability of the person

11.2. develop a treatment plan.

11.3. Spontaneous recovery...fix itself

11.4. group vs. one on one