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Matter af Mind Map: Matter

1. Solid

1.1. Orderly,closely packed

1.2. Vibrate around slow,fixed position

1.3. Very Strong forces of attraction between particles

1.4. Lowest kinetic energy of paticles

1.5. Fixed shape

1.6. Fixed volume

1.7. Cannot be compresed

1.8. High density

2. Liquid

2.1. Disorderly,quite closely packed

2.2. Slide over one another

2.3. Moderate kinetic energy of particles

2.4. Strong forces of attraction between particles

2.5. Not fixed shape

2.6. Fixed volume

2.7. Cannot be compressed

2.8. Moderate density

3. Gas

3.1. Disorderly.far apart

3.2. Move fast,randomly

3.3. Weak forces of attraction between particles

3.4. Higest kinetic energy of particles

3.5. Not fixed shape

3.6. Not fixed volume

3.7. Can be compressed

3.8. Low density