Kindergarten Host Country Week 2010
by Emma Mclean
1. Suggested Activities
1.1. Beijing Zoo
1.2. Duck restaurant
1.3. hot pot or tepinyaki
1.4. Chinese Story Teller
1.5. Go to the market buy kites have a picnic and fly kites
1.6. Chinese character paintings
1.7. Instead of going to the market get someone in to make kites with kids
1.8. Hutong Activity
1.9. Get their own book of HCW printed containing pics and words
2. Lunch Venues
2.1. Steak and Egg, took kids orders prior and sent Ta, well organised
2.2. Is steak and eggs appropriate for HCW
2.3. Loft worked well
3. We need a theme
3.1. Connect to direction and mapping
3.2. Journeys
3.3. UOI is How we express ourselves, Print
4. Activities
4.1. Scavenger Hunt
4.2. Happy land coming out school