The Farm for Kindergarten

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The Farm for Kindergarten by Mind Map: The Farm for Kindergarten

1. Social Studies

1.1. Community Helpers: How do farmers help us discussion

1.2. Show where on a map of the United States, where most of the farming is done in the country.

2. LanguageArts

2.1. Writing

2.1.1. Match the beginning sound of a farm animal picture to the letter.

2.1.2. Carrot Word Family Game. one bag with 2 sets of word families (previously introduced) that are on paper carrots. The kids pick out a carrot, read the word, and write it in the matching title (-an, -og). Can be done alone or with a partner.

2.2. Reading

2.2.1. BOOKS Read The Farmer in the Dell and act it out. Read "The Cheese" on CD. (Farmer in the Dell remake) Put in Listening Center. Read the book Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Act it out, Reader's Theatre style (very early)

2.2.2. Sequencing pictures of the books we are reading. Put the pictures in the correct order. As a large group and then can be used as a center later.

3. Music

3.1. The Farmer in the Dell Song

3.2. Old MacDonald Had a Farm Song

4. Dramatic Play

4.1. farm animals to play with

4.2. plastic vegetables to "plant" and "pick" maybe this can be added to the science dig in the dirt.

5. Science

5.1. Make grass-heads. (pantyhose filled with dirt and grass seed. can add a face, but use waterproof glue)

5.2. Dig in the dirt activity (still thinking about this one)

5.3. Lima bean project. (lima bean in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel.) See how seeds begin to grow.

5.4. Roots, stem, flower, leaves identification.

5.5. Living/Non-living comparisons

6. Math

6.1. Count and sort the colored animals

6.2. File folder game: Match the apples with dots to the corresponding number on the tree.

6.3. Create a Pattern. Ducky pattern cards. Swim, Dive, Fly. Create a pattern using these cards.

6.4. Number Matching. Barns with different numbers on them. Place the correct amount of farm animal figures on the Barn card.

6.5. Number writing practice. Worksheet type paper with numbers and pictures of the amount. Children will practice writing the numbers and counting the pictures. All farm related, of course!

7. Art

7.1. Make farm animal masks to use for Old MacDonald song and book

7.2. Sticker pictures of farm related things.