World of Digital Imagery and Personifcation

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World of Digital Imagery and Personifcation by Mind Map: World of Digital Imagery and Personifcation

1. Online Games

1.1. Pay an online fee

1.2. Create an avatar in a unique world, full of other people

2. Role-playing Games

2.1. Take on the persona of anyone you want

2.2. This can be constrained to rules of the game, or its boundaries.

2.3. This can also be limitless (Dice Games)

3. Dating Cites


3.2. You can be anyone you want to be online, not always what you seem

4. "Second Life"

4.1. Creating a new life and image in a brand new world, full of other people.

4.2. Completely digital

4.3. Buy/Sell items with real world money

5. The main idea

5.1. This project will take a look at people's use of role playing cites/games to take on another persona, while instilling their own beliefs.