Industrial Revolution

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Industrial Revolution por Mind Map: Industrial Revolution

1. A period in the late 1700's when a series of new discoveries brought about a rapid transformation in the production and distribution of goods

2. Course

3. Causes

3.1. Britain had enormous overseas trade markets

3.2. Availability of capital

3.3. The english researchers were practical, and looking for new ways to improve the needs of people at the time

3.4. Presence of people who would invest in new ideas

3.5. Great geographical location of England

3.6. Population growth, with people living longer

3.7. Agricultural Revolution

3.8. There had been a period of political and social stability

3.9. Royal society of london had encouraged scientific discoveries

3.10. More workers not needed in agriculture were available for industrial jobs

4. Consequences

4.1. Women and children began working in the work place

4.2. Gender Gap between men and women grew

4.3. Enclosure movements pushed people off farms

4.4. Young children and women are taken advantage of for cheap salaries

4.5. Entrepreneurs became very rich

4.6. Middle class formed

4.7. Cities grew around factories

4.8. Unsanitary living conditions for workers (tenements)

4.9. Awful working conditions for workers

4.10. Products produced faster

4.11. Need for more raw materials

4.12. Need for colonies to sell new products to

4.13. Imperialism and Capitalism

4.14. Growth of joint stock companies

4.15. Social legislation to help improve working conditions

4.16. England grew very wealthy because of their industrialization

4.17. Pollution increase (lots of smog)

4.18. Things became more affordable

4.19. Better transportation

4.20. Communication became easier over far distance