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Balanced Scorecard by Mind Map: Balanced Scorecard

1. Learning & Growth

1.1. Intellectual Capital

1.1.1. Human Capital

1.1.2. Social Capital

1.1.3. Structural Capital

1.2. Objectives

1.3. Measures

1.4. Targets

1.5. Initiatives

2. Customer

2.1. Current

2.1.1. Customer Retention

2.1.2. Customer satisfaction

2.1.3. Quality of product

2.2. Value Proposition

2.2.1. Operational Excellence

2.2.2. Product Leadership

2.2.3. Customer Intimacy

2.3. Objectives

2.4. Measures

2.5. Targets

2.6. Initiatives

3. This template was provided by

4. Internal Processes

4.1. Current

4.1.1. Accident Rates

4.1.2. Defect Rate

4.2. Objectives

4.3. Measures

4.4. Targets

4.5. Initiatives

5. Financial

5.1. Current

5.1.1. Equity Return

5.1.2. Employed Capital Return

5.1.3. Investment return (ROI)

5.1.4. Cash flow

5.1.5. Financial Results

5.2. Categories

5.2.1. Growth

5.2.2. Productivity

5.3. Objectives

5.4. Measures

5.5. Targets

5.6. Initiatives