My Geistesblitze

Sammlung von nützlichen Links zu eLearning und Moodle

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My Geistesblitze por Mind Map: My Geistesblitze

1. Ideas for using blogs and wikis in your course

2. ANimoto-Voicethread -Powerpoint

3. Ideas for using wikis

4. Embed anything in your website

5. Skype in the classroom

6. Gahoodle- Google, Moodle and Mahara

7. Fronter und andere LMS

8. Wookie Moodle Google

9. My Geistesblitzes

9.1. werkenntwen

10. Online Quiz generating sites

11. Bloggen in der Berufsschule


13. Nano Gong Audio Recorder

14. Mediabird

15. Podcasting Tutorial

16. Generation YES Resources