In the coming weeks, months the things I need to consider for my MA are…

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In the coming weeks, months the things I need to consider for my MA are… by Mind Map: In the coming weeks, months the things I need to consider for my MA are…

1. RPD

1.1. Complete 2nd review

1.2. Make start on assignment weekend of 17/18th March, complete 1st week of Easter holiday

2. General Study skills

2.1. Try to read more critically - read book "Learning to read critically....

2.2. Look at refining tehniques of referencing

2.3. Continue to plan specific `time to work`

2.4. Continue to evaluate this mind mapping`s so easy!!!!

3. Action Research Project

3.1. Decide on final title

3.2. Undertake reading - begin to form presentation

3.3. PLanning for spring term to include AR

3.4. START!!!!!

4. Preparation for next taught module

4.1. ReadingList

4.2. Learning to read critically (see RPD)